The Documentory, 9/11 (1 Viewer)


2nd Lieutenant
Apr 22, 2005
Have any of you seen this film? It was done by two French brothers who were initially doing a documentary film on what is was like to be a rookie fireman in New York.
They have as for as I know the only film of the first plane hitting the tower and also the only film inside the tower before they collapsed.
I watch it every year around Sept. 11.
I watched it last night and I kinda forgot the ending and this will bring tears to the eyes of the hardest man. They show individual pictures of every FDNY fireman that was killed while a rendition of "Danny Boy" plays.
Yes that one IS good. They got the 1st plane, Flight 11 on tape. Richard Ross, a friend of my brother was on that plane.
Hard to say its good in the sense of what it depicts but, I have it and, its very well done. The thing that stands out for me are the alarms from the firefighters when they need help constantly sounding and, the crash of those poor people who took the option of jumping than what was in store inside.

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