OUCH! Didn't Andy just say that K&C would be releasing more additions to their desert village in the near future? And...don't many Crusades collectors also purchase those desert village buildings and accessories, as well as Life of Jesus figures and accessories, for their Crusades dioramas? I'm not sure it would make much sense for K&C to discontinue their Crusades range at this time. Then again, K&C has pretty much run the gamut with this range. As someone else just stated, their last few release really were remakes of previous releases, although in very different poses and dress. I certainly thought they were different enough to have added many of them to my collection. Maybe the recent First Legion Crusades releases have put a dent in sales of the K&Cs Crusades range. Until recently, K&C was the only game in town with a reasonable number of figures, at affordable prices. I'm sure that whatever K&C decides to do in this regard, it will be due to a sound economic decision. Perhaps they will come out with a new Medieval line. As a suggestion to K&C in keeping their Crusades range, I would personally like to see something totally new in that range, such as well known, but fictitious, figures from the Crusades era, such as Ivanhoe and Robin Hood. Such figures would tie in well with the existing line, since both of those characters supposedly took part in the Crusades and both were personally affected by King Richard, the Lionhearted. This would open up totally new possibilities for extension of the Crusades range. Just my two cents, FWIW.