the first standard of 2022 (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Jul 22, 2005

Are there any other club members who have not yet received these magazines ? I still haven't received it richard
Whenever you have any questions please feel free to contact us directly and one of us will be happy to help!
Ken, I have not yet received an answer to a question from Plastic Deetail on their website.^&confuse

I have quite a few of the Standard magazines, but stopped when i cancelled my membership in 2010, that is last copies i had Just clicked on the thread because of the title and i thought there were 4 standards a year, but just looked at the website and there is 3 a year. Still a bit late, but not many others, only 1 can think of is K & C, release paper related information etc.
So when are the new Deetail Civil War artillery sets going to be available? Boyer
Just received the Standard Vol 8 No1. Great magazine with some lovely articles.

Thank you very much.
I have quite a few of the Standard magazines, but stopped when i cancelled my membership in 2010, that is last copies i had Just clicked on the thread because of the title and i thought there were 4 standards a year, but just looked at the website and there is 3 a year. Still a bit late, but not many others, only 1 can think of is K & C, release paper related information etc.

I also have quite a few older Standard magazines, i stopped my membership as it was just not worth it, they would hand out the Standards free at the London Shows, plus were selling the individual collectors club figures to anyone at the shows. Put together with having to wait over 12 months for my membership figure and releasing nothing for months on end put a stop for me, sold all my WBs except the gloss ceremonial, His of Brit Army etc.

I would be really peeved if the first standard was 9 months into the year. The company is a mere shell of what it was and i agree with someone on the forum who said it was bought for the brand in order to sell other things.
I received Vol 2 over a week ago. The upcoming Regiments and Museum figures look great!
I received Vol 2 over a week ago. The upcoming Regiments and Museum figures look great!

Cheers, Vol 2? this thread was talking about Vol1 that was why i put my comments, plus still stand by that W Britains are a pail shadow of what they were.
Cheers, Vol 2? this thread was talking about Vol1 that was why i put my comments, plus still stand by that W Britains are a pail shadow of what they were.
The content of The Standard is very different than what was normally in the magazine when you were a member in 2010 and you might enjoy it if you were a current member. Feel free to stop by any one of our tables at the December London show this year and take a look at a recent copy.
Cheers, Vol 2? this thread was talking about Vol1 that was why i put my comments, plus still stand by that W Britains are a pail shadow of what they were.

"Pail" shadow?

Shipping and manufacturing delays aside, the quality of their figures has gotten much, much better. I'd put them up with First Legion.
Cheers, Vol 2? this thread was talking about Vol1 that was why i put my comments, plus still stand by that W Britains are a pail shadow of what they were.

You have 29 posts on this forum, and most of them are not just negative, but mean. You continually spout hate against various manufacturers, especially Britains, and claim they are in their death throes. When a company releases something, you ridicule it. No, you do not provide helpful criticism; there is a way to do that, and you miss the mark entirely.

This is a small community. I have met many of the members here in-person, and I have known some of them since I was a child. No one is perfect on here; we have all seen and participated in many silly spats. That said, most people here have their heart in the right place, because we are more than screen names to each other. We all know that behind the Britains logo are at least three long-time members of the community who have invested their lives in bringing history and art to us and so many more people outside the hobby.

So, with all due respect to this forum's hosts, I ask you to take a minute and think about why you are here and how you talk about other people. I will boldly presume that you are a grown man, so I ask you to act like one or leave.

Yours very sincerely,

Sandor Farkas
Thank you Britains for the latest volume 8, number 3 which arrived yesterday. Love the articles, especially: The British Soldier in the first half of the 18th Century by Ken Osen.

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