The International (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Aug 31, 2007
Had to review this DVD last night which passed an enjoyable couple of hours and a hell of a lot better than The Punisher-War Zone which was the other movie I had to write words for-Ughh!

The International "stars" Clive Owen as a gruff grumpy Interpol agent who is hell bent on bringing down a European based but powerful world bank who are financing arms deals for terrorists (well I never?) and other nefarious schemes. But every witness he locates who will spill the beans ends up dead as this bank will stop at nothing to protect their interests (and bonuses :D)

Great cinematography as the story whips you across Europe-Bourne like- from France-Germany-Italy-Turkey and onto New York. The plot drops a bit through the middle section as by now you know that each witness Owen finds is going to get hit by the next scene. But the centre piece shoot-out in The Guggenheim Museum NY is one of nerve shredding excitement and brilliantly staged
I replayed it twice-it was that exciting. Problem is that it peaked a little too early and the last 30 minutes is just used as filler in getting rid off the bad bank guys but as we all know no-one can put a bank down but the bankers themselves.

Fortunately for me Owen doesn't have to say a lot-which helps the story-and the producers I believe were pretty lucky that the film hit the cinema screens just as the world banks started to crack making it very topical. Recommended!

This one is in the mail from netflix as we speak so I will let you know what I think. Put this in as a last minute selection based on your review Bob.

I enjoyed it as well Bob and pretty much agree with your review. The Guggenheim scene was really well done although I must admit I long for the days when villains actually aimed at what they were shooting at and didn't use 10 or 20 clips of ammo per scene. Perhaps I am just old fashioned but no one, well no one who really wanted to hit anything, would shoot the way most gun fight scenes are now typically choreographed. I did think Owen did a pretty good job with this one, as did Naomi Watts. I would recommend it as well although I am not sure it is going to be a repeat view or library addition for me. Maybe you and I should start a Siskel and Ebert thing.:D This one gets two thumbs up.:cool:
This one is in the mail from netflix as we speak so I will let you know what I think. Put this in as a last minute selection based on your review Bob.


Ooops! Blimey Dave you have now really put the onus on me :eek:

I once recommended "Taken" to Bill who I believe politely told me he thought it was over the top cliched crap-Sincerely hope that's not the case with this recommendation :D

Ooops! Blimey Dave you have now really put the onus on me :eek:

I once recommended "Taken" to Bill who I believe politely told me he thought it was over the top cliched crap-Sincerely hope that's not the case with this recommendation :D


Oh, it's alright Bob, because I was going to get it anyway. :D

I've heard universally positive things about this one from diverse and generally good sources.

....I once recommended "Taken" to Bill who I believe politely told me he thought it was over the top cliched crap-Sincerely hope that's not the case with this recommendation :D

Well that is a bit stronger that I put it as I recall. I guess that would have been a one thumb up, one thumb down review then Gene.:D
Definitely enjoyed this one last night, and perhaps significantly, Mrs. Gray remained awake until the end of it. One of the best puke scenes I've seen and some pretty gruesome wound scenes. I think this one truly deserves the positive comments it's gotten, not only from Reb, but from most other critics I've heard weigh in on the subject.

Definitely enjoyed this one last night, and perhaps significantly, Mrs. Gray remained awake until the end of it. One of the best puke scenes I've seen and some pretty gruesome wound scenes. I think this one truly deserves the positive comments it's gotten, not only from Reb, but from most other critics I've heard weigh in on the subject.



Thank the Lord and pass the Ammo!

It is difficult to recommend a movie especially on here with guys with such diverse interests but am glad you enjoyed it-it certainly warrents a permanent place in my library of "pretty good" watchable films.


Thank the Lord and pass the Ammo!

It is difficult to recommend a movie especially on here with guys with such diverse interests but am glad you enjoyed it-it certainly warrents a permanent place in my library of "pretty good" watchable films.


Well Bob, I can tell you that up next in the netflix queue are "Yes Man", "The Wrestler", and "Doubt", so would welcome your comments on these as well. :D


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