The K&C Room at the OTSN (1 Viewer)

Great pics, Louis, and sincerest thanks for the effort on our behalf.:D

Thank for posting the photos Louis , Comet look great
Like the new british tank riders and figures but shame i don't collect anymore!

Prices are nuts, the pieces aren't worth it anymore.

Thank you so much for the amazing pictures :salute::
AT LAST..!!!....a late war British tank and late war/winter Tommys. I cannot see from the photo"s but i really hope they are all kitted out in winter gear....scarves/gloves/leather jerkins ..ect.

Certainly looks like 1

Looks like the early version of the Bergepanther.

The Comet looks superb. Hope that some of the new british infantry are wearing leather jerkins - that would be a nice touch. The Comet was too late for the Bulge but would be great for the Reichswald.
Thanks for the pic's Louis, the dio's are brilliant and it's welcome new to see a Comet tank and Brit Bulge troops to go along with it. The Bergepanther if that's what it is also looks nice.


Are we assuming they are BotB British sets because they are on a previously used BotB diorama display board? They look a bit too lightly dressed for winter operations to me? Know the tank was not introduced until Sept 44 so could be......... Either way I am happy as will want it.

Are we assuming they are BotB British sets because they are on a previously used BotB diorama display board? They look a bit too lightly dressed for winter operations to me? Know the tank was not introduced until Sept 44 so could be......... Either way I am happy as will want it.

If you look at photos of British soldiers involved in the BotB they are usually wearing overcoats or white coveralls. So are these new figures Normandy period infantry or later in the campaign? I am hoping that these figures can be used to represent British infantry fighting in the Reichswald in Feb/Mar 1945, where lots of soldiers were wearing the leather jearkin. Looking at the unpainted prototype figures in the photos one or two (the Bren gunner in particular) do seem to be wearing a jearkin (or perhaps it's just my imagination)! One of the tank riders on the Comet seems to be wearing a tam o'shanter. Anyway, new British figures for NW Europe 1944-45 will be welcome whatever their uniforms! Perhaps their release could coincide with a European version of the Damlier armoured car?

The Comet looks superb. However it did not see service until 1945, after the Bulge. The first vehicles were being issued in December 1944, but as soon as the Germans attacked in the Ardennes, those crews who had already received them quickly replaced them with their previous Shermans, rather than take unfamiliar vehicles into action. Really pleased that K & C are issuing a model of the best British tank of the war to see action (a Centurion I is too much to hope for)!
Looking forward to seeing photos of the British Comet tank^&cool

Did anyone who attended the show pick the Comet model up and look it over? If so, any insights into what it might be made out of? It's occurred to me that KC might be using different materials in some of its newer replicas (rather than polystone). Comments that I've read regarding the new SAS jeep would appear to suggest that's the case.

Did anyone who attended the show pick the Comet model up and look it over? If so, any insights into what it might be made out of? It's occurred to me that KC might be using different materials in some of its newer replicas (rather than polystone). Comments that I've read regarding the new SAS jeep would appear to suggest that's the case.



It was a resin and metal prototype. I have several of these K&C resin and metal prototypes in my collection, and the production vehicles are invariably polystone.

It was a resin and metal prototype. I have several of these K&C resin and metal prototypes in my collection, and the production vehicles are invariably polystone.

Thanks Louis,

I was impressed with the parts definition and assumed that the model was made out of a different material as a result. Say what critics might about polystone, the stuff imparts a heft to KC models which I suppose has become more or less inseparable from the company's brand. Those things are heavy! And that's apparently what a lot of collectors expect and want in vehicles that will be situated alongside the outfit's metal figures.


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