The other reason for home casting (1 Viewer)

How do you go about casting a figure like that? Do you make an impression

in clay then pour the molten metal in? Or do you actually carve the mold then

cast the piece?

Either way it came very nice.


I had a mold for some motorcycle riders. I half cast the figure then shaped him to fit. A tight one too I might add. Up late again?
Yes I'm on the self imposed 4 to 11 shift. Wife usually goes to bed around 1

its quiet and I catch a good movie or two and usually do my research till I

get tired.

Its fun, I have found a lot of interesting items while everyone sleeps.....the

Vietnam Firebase for example.

Another reason for casting your own stuff.....

Bought a Herzer with no crew. Guess what???? Uh huh. You got it. Made a torso with head to fit into the hatch. Looks pretty good to me.

Dear KV..Any thought to offering such hatch type figures for sale. I love the gloss, but in matte finish to fill in our K/C and other mfg. vehicles.? .We could give you hatch depth measurements and you could make them for fit...Michael
Dear KV..Any thought to offering such hatch type figures for sale. I love the gloss, but in matte finish to fill in our K/C and other mfg. vehicles.? .We could give you hatch depth measurements and you could make them for fit...Michael

You bet! Anything in mind?
Just had some more ideas about this. Going to be busy soon making various half figures for vehicles. Will post some pictures soon I hope!:D
Just had some more ideas about this. Going to be busy soon making various half figures for vehicles. Will post some pictures soon I hope!:D

Don't forget to make the bottom halves as well. Not so silly as you may first think......used for Mechanics under a vehicle.

Don't forget to make the bottom halves as well. Not so silly as you may first think......used for Mechanics under a vehicle.


Or for tankers doing handstands in the turret hatches. :)
Or for tankers doing handstands in the turret hatches. :)

Now you over there! Just stop it ! It is not very funny! It just will not do! I know a good joke when I hear it! I have a very good sense of-of-of......
Come to think of it I have a lousy sense of humor. Carry on with the jocularity then!
Here are some attempts at half figures in my jagdpanther. They are not completely finished yet. But wanted to give you guys an igea of what they would look like.

I will try and take better pictures.
Yeah...they have me filling in a pharmacy that's all the way on the NY/CT border. It's a very busy store. One pharmacist broke down and was crying in the back room..she couldn't hack it. So guess who gets to go? My dad always told me, 'never demonstrate a skill you're not prepared to duplicate for the rest of your life.' Should have listened to that one more!!!
Ordered 2 new molds. I got the 24th Foot at attention (base has been re-sculpted) and also the new (not on the website yet so ordering sight-unseen) CW raising the kepi up (ala' "Glory" which was my motivation for suggesting it). Should be here Mon but..back to the other store (sigh..little time to cast)..
I like the conversion of the LA German officer(s). Very good. I pushed for new Russians but so far, nothing yet. I suggested a civilian or trooper throwing a Molotov cocktail instead of a grenade.
By the way, what do you use for glossy overcoat??? I've shied away from too many glossy figures because of the patchy results I get (some areas are very good, others missed). I'm thinking of the 'dipping in Future floor polish' that they recommend in modelling magazines.....
Krylon artist medium in semi gloss! I do not know what i was thinking. Semi gloss! I mean that is the limit!;)
My german paaenger fits in the NMA schwimwagon! I am going to cast a gew more to fit in. I wish they did not have the Feldgendarmerie gorgets
By the way, what do you use for glossy overcoat??? I've shied away from too many glossy figures because of the patchy results I get (some areas are very good, others missed). I'm thinking of the 'dipping in Future floor polish' that they recommend in modelling magazines.....

I use Future, usually brushed on. I dip small clear parts when building a model, but for my figures, a brush is handier.


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