The Prussians advance (1 Viewer)

I,m not 100% sure yet I,m thinking Lutzen or Bautzen or maybe some large scale skirmish type actions in and around that time.

I want to get started on painting up an Austrian army soon also for some 1814 battles with the goal being Leipzig.

Hat is releasing all kinds of new Napoleonic figures and they have Austrians on the way I was hoping between the Hat and Italeri figures I could build a good sized Austrian army and mix and match parts from both and convert a bunch up also.

They have more Prussians and Russians also on the way and its just a matter of slowly painting up the figures and building up the troops. My Prussian/Russian army is starting to build up pretty good but I have nothing for cavalry.
And that sucks because it was the french cavalry that was weak in 1813 not the allies.:mad:

I,m hoping Hat will do something about that soon???? I tried doing some Prussian Hussar conversions as seen in the photo but it all takes a lot of time to get done.

Thanks, and I also like your dio work also! 1/72 scale is great for these larger battles. Its easier to build up the large numbers needed and space is a lot easier to find to set them up.
Thats why I like street to street type mini dios or small skirmish type scenes.

Do you know what manufacturer 1 / 32 plastic??;)
I send you a link to their site, it might interest you.:rolleyes:
Do you know what manufacturer 1 / 32 plastic??;)
I send you a link to their site, it might interest you.:rolleyes:

Yes, Thank you. Tim, you can find enough parts to make several Prussian Cavalry types. I have metal heads { covered shako} that will work for Dragoons and Uhlans and Field cap for Landwehr type Cavalry.
Also, the Hussar without Pelisse , and metal blackcat heads for Prussian Hussars 1815.

I did manage to find enough Lutzows Uhlan from Del prado for a small 8 man unit.

I SHOULD send Helmet a parts order for the above. That was my plan. Then I bought some CALPE 1815 Prussians in 28mm as samples.OOPS! Havent touched the 54mm in a few months!
Great source for info on the Prussian Army 1815.

Post script

No Tim, I have not had any diorama wargames on the table other than an idiotic LOTR/Dark ages/Arthurian/Late Roman/Undead epic donnybrook of a wargame. It was fun, never took any pix, STILL chipping away at putting them all back in their boxes.
Do you know what manufacturer 1 / 32 plastic??;)
I send you a link to their site, it might interest you.:rolleyes:

Thanks for the link! I,ve seen these figures before and I picked one up on ebay years back also so I know what there like. He has some nice kits but I,m not to crazy about the yarn and cloth and stuff he uses for plumes, head dress and saddle blankets ect.. If it wasn,t for the bad $ to pound exchange rate and the high shipping to the states from England I would do some of these guys up but I think I might stick with my conversion plan with whats available to me here over in the states.
I have enough stuff to do a lot of what I want its just a matter of putting in the time to do it.
Fubar hit the nail on the head of a lot of the stuff I already had in mind. The prussian covered shako is the key to most of the cavalry figures I have in mind.
Heavy cavalry with helmets and cuirassiers is a bit trickier. Saddle changes on horses is another problem but I now have plenty of horses to work with.
Yes, Thank you. Tim, you can find enough parts to make several Prussian Cavalry types. I have metal heads { covered shako} that will work for Dragoons and Uhlans and Field cap for Landwehr type Cavalry.
Also, the Hussar without Pelisse , and metal blackcat heads for Prussian Hussars 1815.

I did manage to find enough Lutzows Uhlan from Del prado for a small 8 man unit.

I SHOULD send Helmet a parts order for the above. That was my plan. Then I bought some CALPE 1815 Prussians in 28mm as samples.OOPS! Havent touched the 54mm in a few months!
Great source for info on the Prussian Army 1815.

Post script

No Tim, I have not had any diorama wargames on the table other than an idiotic LOTR/Dark ages/Arthurian/Late Roman/Undead epic donnybrook of a wargame. It was fun, never took any pix, STILL chipping away at putting them all back in their boxes.

Harold I think I might try some dragoons or lancers the coats are pretty much the same. I have to give the Italeri british scotts legs a better look but I think the riding pants them should work for Prussian style also with the button legs???
Then some 2 part putty overcoats new heads and gear I,ll have dragoons.

You should give it a go also. Do a few without arms and heads and make a mold. Then you can pump them out in bulk!:cool:
Then you can just make different arms and use the heads you all ready have.
I really wish I could mold and cast, Just convert up 3 bodies and a few arms make a mold and pour out a division.:eek::p
Nice conversions and diorama scenes Tim. I enjoy your creations and explanations on explosions and campfires. John
There pretty easy to make, its just cotton, the type you can buy cheap around this time of year for under the X-mas tree and such.
Just pull some off about the size and shape you want and get some cheap acrilic paint and here comes the messy finger painting part! Take some paint on your fingers starting with red at the bottom and swish it into the cotton with your fingers.
With your fingers still messy and red, now take some yellow and go just above and slightly into the red paint and you,ll get some orange color when you swish the two paints together as they mix.
Now clean your fingers and do some straight yellow just above the orange you made by mixing the two and try to make it look like fire from an explosion.
Now get some black and white cheap acrilic again and mix some gray but keep the black to one side and the white to the other and mix it to a gray but keep various shades of gret as you mix it and swish that in above the yellow with your fingers starting dark and get lighter as you move up.

Use your eyes to be a judge and experiment a bit its not that hard.

I glued it onto a flocked small fender washer and used some two part putty to texture the washer first and add a small wire standing up inside the 2 part putty to help keep the cotton from falling over.

I,ve also used this idea to make cannon blasts from the front of cannons and camp fires also.

Good luck!

Thanks, I'm gonna try this for my Kursk scene. Once again, the scene looks great, the cannon fire looks superb.

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