Thanks for the link,the flight scenes look really good.This is definetly one to see.Be interesting to see whose version of who killed him they go for?
I know they still debate that issue but it was not Brown. He was hit from the ground by one of the Australian gunners. Computer recreations have demonstrated that it was almost impossible for Brown to have hit him.
Yes i saw that in a programme about this on the History channel,very interesting.I also visited the place where he came down.If it doesn't dwell to much on the love story this could be a good film.
The flight scenes look fantastic, but they are killing me again with the love story. Here's a link that contains the trailer - its a bit slow to load but keep clicking:
Thanks for the link! I don't mind a love story if there was some truth in it and if there is some T&A. I had thought The Red Baron wasn't interested in women.
If the flying sequences are as good as in Fly Boys, with a better story, I'll be looking forward to it coming to the U.S.
Don't get me started on Fly Boys. All those red triplanes - need strong drink.
I think that you are being hard on the film..Yes, an Albatross or 2 would have been great, but I thouroughly enjoyed the movie and have watched it a number of times...The combat scenes were great except for the sea of red triplanes, but all in all, I actually would recommend that others should see it...Michael
The flight scenes are ok. I would like to see a ban on women in all war movies. Just all out fighting and blowing things up. No plot, love interest or any hollywood bs to get women to watch. It doesn't work. Just blow stuff up and lots of shooting.
Spoken like a true war film fan!
Did you notice that in ZULU they wrote the missionary's daughter out of the film before the battle?