"Give me 'House' any day!"
I always smile at the fact that House's offsider - Dr Whats-hisname?, is the same actor who committed suicide in Dead Poet Society because he didn't want to be a doctor!
The Sopranoes had a lot of sex scenes too!
We're on holidays - stalking each other on the Forum is all we've got to do. Sadly, after only 6 weeks holidays we're back at work from tomorrow. As compensation, we'll be in on Thursday night to pick up some figures!
I stumbled onto this thread and couldn't agree more that the Sopranos was one of the best ever TV series. I watched it again when 7 mate was screening the episodes. The acting was spot on, there were plenty of you know what's, great story lines and quite humorous sometimes in a morbid way! There's so many great episodes, but the Russian mobster in the forest episode as mentioned was hilarious along with the Fed's trying to plant the lamp in Tony's house.
Richie Aprilo (sorry if the names misspelt) was a dark character but it was funny when he and Tony butted heads! It was a bit of a shock how he ended up being wacked by Janice (Tony's sister) of all people. I think it was because he back handed her but i can't remember what it was over. Poor old Bobby with his awesome little train set and then getting wacked in a hobby store fully of trains was another great episode. There's so many and i'll prob watch the series again if they re-run it.
Hi Jack
No, only WW2. It's not that im not interested in NAPS or other time periods, it's just that i cannot afford to collect them as well. I would also like to collect WW2 aircraft but cannot afford to do so.
Im assuming you collect NAPS?
Yes - Naps - when I walk into The Military Workshop in Brisbane I look quickly at the WW2 stuff - absolutely fantastic - but where would it end? As a newbie - I'll have a hundred figures by mid year - I thought better to collect figures only to really get a start in the hobby. I know how I think - I'll buy one German tank and soon I'll be building a house extension. I was really tempted by the Desert War stuff - something about it being a cleaner war I suspect - but I fought temptation and bought eight Scots Greys instead! I also would go the aircraft as well - Brit fighters - but again I'll buy one ground crew and then it will be on! I suspect that some of the frustration about price rises is born of the knowledge that there is so much great stuff and very few can buy everything they want. I know I can't.