The Trophy - Andrea Miniatures (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Nov 22, 2009
The Trophy [90mm] by Andrea Miniatures painted by Master Painter David Younquist
of the Michigan Toy Soldier Company. It depicts the capture of a Prussian flag by the
4th Regiment of Dragoons in 1806 after a painting by Edouard Detaille.

Back in January someone posted pictures of the Michigan Toy Show. There
was one I had to have. Andrea, of course, but it was sold and Best of
Show. Wendy put me in contact with the painter David Youngquist, who
I contacted. He was willing to do one for me, and we settled on this one.
Been a few months, but it arrived Tuesday along with a Poste Militaire
Red Lancers in a big wooden crate. Dave had it packed by a company
that specializes in art works for museums. What a relief both arrived
with nary a scratch. And now have a place of honor with me. Plus room
for another one every six to eight months.


Here are some YouTube videos of my figure as it progressed.

Painting Horses
Part I:
Dave Youngquist shows us how to use oil paints to blend the features on
a horse model Using oil paints.
Part II:

Ground Work
Part I:
Michigan Toy Soldier's Dave Youngquist demonstrates how to create
Groundwork effects for the Andrea Minatures 90mm Kit "The Trophy".
Using Aves Epoxy and backyard materials Dave demonstrates simple
and effective scenic applications that add realism to your model.

Part II:

Part III:
Dave Yonquist is a great guy- he is aslo the principal of Old Norhtwest Trading Company, and one of the master painters for Britains _I believe.
Beautiful figure :) . What an addition to your collection , would love to see more . Al the best Gebhard
A truly beautiful work of art, congratulations and thank you for sharing.
A lovely item you've got here. And at that larger scale, and painted by Dave Youngquist and all it has to be a truly impressive site up close. Nice choice and thanks for sharing it. Looking forward to seeing more.

Would you give us any ideas about what you might be having done next, or do you prefer to keep it a surprise?

Thanks again,
It is indeed very nice and I can see why you were excited to get it. Andrea does have some fine Napoleonic sculpts; it is a pit they are not the right scale to fit with WB and FL, much less the larger lines.:(
Hi BLReed,
that is an exquisite Miniature you got there.
Dave Youngquist did a great job and it is definetely one for the treasure chest.
You mentioned a Red Lancer that you received as well.
I know the casting by Poste Militaire and want to say that in my opinion they are probably the best you can get.
I would very much appreciate if you show us some pictures of the Red Lancer too, to see how Dave treated that fine miniature.
You are up for a truely impressive collection and I am looking forward to see it develop.
..You mentioned a Red Lancer that you received as well.
I know the casting by Poste Militaire and want to say that in my opinion they are probably the best you can get.
I would very much appreciate if you show us some pictures of the Red Lancer too, to see how Dave treated that fine miniature.
I posted the Red Lancer in the Retired Manufactures thread.


I agree with you on Poste Militaire. So hard to find. The catalog I have only has six mounted 90mm figures. I intend to get them all. I'm not big on 54mm as I don't "war game." I do have a few though. In my opinion, I think the larger 90mm size takes them out of the "toy" category, and puts them into more of an "Art" form. Especially now that I have "found" Dave Youngquist.:) I wish the WBritain Connoisseur Collection was 90-110mm. In metal, of course. No resin thank you very much.
Would you give us any ideas about what you might be having done next, or do you prefer to keep it a surprise?

I don't know which is next. I pretty well stick to mounted figures. I have to work it out with Dave. What I want and what he is interested in painting may not be the same. LOL There will be some more I assure you, and I'll post. I did think of Andrea "The Apache," but it is only 54mm. Then a couple of other manufactures, but they are resin. A bit pickiy on my part, but serves to control my expenditures somewhat.

Andrea Miniatures "The Apache" AN S4S9
I don't know which is next. I pretty well stick to mounted figures. I have to work it out with Dave. What I want and what he is interested in painting may not be the same. LOL There will be some more I assure you, and I'll post. I did think of Andrea "The Apache," but it is only 54mm. Then a couple of other manufactures, but they are resin. A bit pickiy on my part, but serves to control my expenditures somewhat.

Andrea Miniatures "The Apache" AN S4S9

The Red Lancer is another excellent looking figure to put it mildly. And there is certainly nothing wrong with being picky either if these are the sort of projects you are selecting. Are these your first two 90 mm figures then, or do you have more on display?

Thanks again.

BL,I have to ask why you don't like resin.I have resin and like them.Resin is suppose to bring out detail better and it's lighter.Just wondering why you don't like it.We all have our personal prefences.
BL,I have to ask why you don't like resin.I have resin and like them.Resin is suppose to bring out detail better and it's lighter.Just wondering why you don't like it.We all have our personal prefences.

I hope you don't mind my chiming in Mark, but I have the same hang up and don't really have a better answer for you. :eek:

That's ok Dave.Like I said it's a matter of prefences.Myself it doesn't matter either way.We have discussed this on the Jenkins forum before.I was just curious.

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