Third new word game (1 Viewer)

Ceret (26 November 1793) a battle for the bridge that was a Spanish victory on the Eastern Pyrenees front during the War of the Convention. That 's two for the war of the Convention.;):D
Reichshoffen : battle of Reichshoffen, 6th August 1870, famous for its French Cuirassiers charges (famous enough to be the subject of a nursery rhyme I still sang as a kid, ans that's not a so distant past :))
Arsuf , a battle of the Third Crusade where a crusader army led by Richard the Lionheart and Hugh, duke of Burgundy, defeated a Muslim army lead by the great Saladin at Arsuf, a small town near Jaffa.
Neerwinden, 18 March 1793, a battle with a major Austrian victory over the armies of Revolutionary France that helped to temporarily expel the French from the Austrian Netherlands.
Giessen (16 September 1796), a diversionary Austrian attack against the French position on the Lahn that helped the Archduke Charles fight his way across that river further to the west, at Limburg.

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