Third new word game (1 Viewer)

Cerea, 11 September 1796, a loss by French General Massena to the Austrians near the River Adige in Italy.
Guarda, 14 April, 1812, a victory by 3 squadrons (400) of Chasseurs à Cheval on a foraging mission over 2,000 Portuguese infantry.
Seddon, General Daniel (17** - 1839), commanded cavalry brigade of Portuguese army 1809-1810.
General Edouard-Jean-Baptiste Milhaud, one of the best French cavalry commanders of the Napoleonic Wars, including notable decisive victories for his forces against the Spanish at Ocana and the Prussians at Ligny.
The Battle of Dorylaeum took place during the First Crusade on July 1, 1097, between the crusaders and the Seljuk Turks.

Rastatt, 5 July, 1796, another French victory, by Taponnier, over the Austrians, although this one was brief and relatively bloodless.

We seem to have been getting a lot of RAs lately, must be that time.

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