Third new word game (13 Viewers)

Linz-Urfahr, 17 May 1809, a French, Wurtenberg and Saxon victory over the Austrians near the confluence of the Danube and Traun in Austria.
Pombal, 11 March 1811, a slightly successful harrying action by Rifles and Cacadores against a brigade of rear guard on the bank of the Rio Soure on Massena's retreat from the Torres Vedras line.
Retiro, 13 August 1812, a surrender after a brief struggle of a French fortified garrison in Madrid to Wellington and 600 men from the 51st and 68th Foot.
Cervia, 26 December 1813, a brigade level Austrian victory over the Franco-Italians on the northeatern Italian coast.
Castalla, 13 April 1813, a one sided Anglo-Spanish victory over Suchet's French army of Aragon and Valencia. A column of the 121e suffered 19 officers and 350 men in 5 minutes against a line of the 2/27th Foot.
Eino Ilmari Juutilainen (1914–1999), a Finnish Air Force fighter pilot and the top scoring non-German fighter pilot of all time with 94 confirmed aerial combat victories in 437 sorties.

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