thoughts on future american revolution soldiers (2 Viewers)


Private 2
May 12, 2005
As I have been accumulating american and british soldiers from K&C's american war of independence series, and I am quite happy with them as they are the best out there, I had a few thoughts on things I would like to see spring from this series. On the American side, it would be nice to see some militia, and the other side of the continental army....the ragtag soldiers who did not have the benefit of a uniform, and some not even shoes for that matter. Also it would be neat to see the American generals Knox and Greene portrayed k&C style. On the British side would love to have a General Howe, some Hessian mercenary troops, and we still need a standing/firing soldier. Also some diorama pieces could include earthworks (badly needed) and shooners. And if you really want to think big, a fort would be nice, too. Just my two cents worth, Mark
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I agree about buildings and earthworks etc..I collect Napoleonics and they lack on this side of things as well!! The nice thing is what ever stuff was done they would go well with both as well as ww2 but I think ww2 has had their share but never the less most of ww2 was fought on farm land in France old houses and barns and farms intact and destroyed is soooo needed and over do!!! Thank goodness for the farm house we have thus far:)

PS.....Got the entire Nelson series in Britains today they are awsome!!!!:D
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yeah as soon as I get the American and British lines the way I want them, I will start getting the Napoleonic series as well, they look superb. Mark
These are my thoughts on future American Revolution figures:

My biggest desire is for Hessians. I would ideally like to see these marching with port arms, along with the necessary supporting officers and sergeants. (Flags would be nice too, but I don’t want to appear to be greedy) The wonderful part of doing some Hessian troops is that they could also be used as Frederick the Great’s Prussian troops of the Seven Years War.

On American side, I agree we need some Militia units wearing hunting shirts. It would go a long way in helping use in our displays if you would make four figures in the same pose, but in four different manners of uniforms. Example, one with a white hunting shirt, one with a regular uniform jacket, one with a blue hunting shirt and finally one with a uniform but a different hat. The whole when put together will give us the needed rag-tag look of the American armies.

On the British side I would also like to see the missing standing firing figure, plus some light infantry troops wearing their leather skull caps.

French troops in French uniforms!! Not just repainted American troops. These troops should be painted to represent one of the regiments at Yorktown. Examples: (white coats-red lapels) (white coats-green lapels) (light blue coats-yellow lapels)

Limited Editions: Baron Von Steuben drilling the troops at Valley Forge.

Thanks for listening Andy.
PS Did I mention cavalry? :)
I believe Andy stated at OTSN that the next group of Rev. War figures will be more indians and Continental Marines.
I had heard that the next round of American Revolution figures coming out in February would be more Indians and additional Continental troops. I didn’t know that the new US troops would be Marines. How interesting, I eagerly await their release.

Thank you for this new information.

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