Thoughts on the latest offerings from Britains (1 Viewer)


Apr 29, 2005
Hi All,

I've been watching all the chatter generated over on the King and Country side of the house about pending releases and have to say I would love to see that kind of discussion here too. So let me ask all the Britains Collectors out there what do you think of the Latest offerings?

I will say that I am really looking forward to the release of the VC Series from the Mutiney and additional sets from the Crimean too! I guess that if I can't get a limited edition of a band from the Durbar or another Elephant from the Entry Procession then I have to be happy with the Mutiney sets.

So what say you?

I really like the new releases Britains is coming out with. The new ownership has really turned things around for the better. I started collecting the Crimean series and will get the Indian mutiny. I like what they're doing with the Redcoat series in bringing out figures that go with previous figures, like officers and NCO's. The new WW1 sets look great especially the Highlanders in kilts. The only problem I have is that everything seems to be late with Britains again or in short supply. Everytime I go in my local shop things are not in yet or they're sold out.
What I'm looking forward to is what Britian will be offering in their Zulu War Series.......The Lt.
I received my collectors magazine and catalog. I like the Redcoat and Bluecoat series. Also, Knights and would like to see the Indian Army released. Not interested in Indian Mutiny. Leadmen
I think the new stuff looks great and i,m looking forward to getting all the new napoleonics.
I really like the new scenic stuff also.
Now for the complaints!:p
I,m not to crazy about the poses of the new british figures, the sculpting is real good but the poses on the figures are all very similar and kind of off balance looking.
I think a few more common poses like firing, kneeling to repel, advancing in column ect, that could be used in multiples to form sqaures and lines would have been better then the very similar poses that you guys came out with which I think would look odd in multiples and are all kind of similar in pose also and kind of off balance looking which I think makes them something you would only want one each of.
That brings me to my next request of making the figures avaible as singles so we don,t have to get stuck with extra bum poses of figures we don,t like to get figures we do like.
I agree Tim thats why I'm buying the building scenes from Britains and the figures from K&C....both are great and they will work well together. I saw the Britains figures today in a shop and I think I'll stick to my K&C ...but the buildings I'm buying it all...GREAT WORK

I agree that there should be more marching, firing figures etc. for Napoleonics so you can make lines. But I do think the new figures Britains are coming out with are excellent. I think the new Britain Napoleonics look better than K&C's new French 45th infantry figures. Some of those poses and faces look ridiculous.
New Management at Britains has shown consistent progress over the last year. I really like what Richard and Ken are accomplishing there. I'll be happily buying most of WWII sets and diorama pieces. I'm especially looking forward to getting my hands on the Brits. I'm resisting getting the ACW figures because I collect WWII only.

I must say they might be better than the WWII figures. I look forward to seeing and supporting this collaboration. It's hard not to wonder if this collaboration existed 5+ years ago and was well funded what the market would look like. Britains marching along side with FOV vehicles.

Would the market be so dominated by KC? Nothing against Andy, he deserves all of the hard earned success he enjoys today. When I started collecting toy soldiers again I was a 1/32 scale guy but now most of my collection is 1/30 due to the consistent quality of every release of KC.

I'll go along with Fish. Also Durbar stuff would be really cool. Civilians like the Marlborough. Just real colorful stuff. Mavbe it is time for a Poll. Oh Braaaaaaddddd.....
Hi Everybody:

Thanks for the feedback - keep it coming. Let me try and answer a few of the questions:

1) Delays - what can I say - 2006 was one heck of a year - lots of new sets, new production facility that was under immense pressure to first and foremost keep the quality top notch and secondly try and deliver on time - I am glad to say they met their first objective but on their second fell short. That said, the 2006 figures are all being wrapped up this week (befroe Chinese New Year) and the 2007 figures are well under way. In short, production has finally caught up and we should see far fewer delays (there will always be a few - my philosophy is get it as right as possible or don't release it) and even some early items in 2007.
2) Poses - Ken and I really debated this one and came down on the side of unique poses for our first releases. Why? - - we felt the previous owners had been guilty of some lackluster poses and we wanted to give folks an idea of what kind of action we could breath into the figures. We also felt, with Hougoumont in particular, standard poses would not work or make sense. Now, all that said, we are well aware this has left some holes where linear tactics come into play - look for those holes to be plugged later this year!
3) Zulu War - I admit I have four different Zulu war collections (Imperial, Little Legion, Frontline and Britains)- so needless to say no need to sell me. The only questions are - Matte or Gloss? Rorkes? Isandhlwana or other? I have put these questions out before and gotten some good feedback from all of you - will be making decisions shortly....
4) What else guys? - poses, periods, catalog, club, etc.

Thank you for all your support in year 1 - really appreciate it!

Hi Richard, I'll keep short;

Zulu War.... matte finish, Rorkes Drift

WWII.... more vehicles, MarderIII/Wespe for the Germans, M7 Priest and jeep for the Americans and mortar teams for everyone!:) Thanks


Everything looks great and I too am excited to see Britians on the rebound. I must admit it is becoming increasingly more difficult to stay with only one line or period. Your Naps are quite tempting!! What can we look forward to this year with regards to the Rev War items? And when do you anticipate their releases?

Keep up the great work!!

Hi Everybody:

Thanks for the feedback - keep it coming. Let me try and answer a few of the questions:

1) Delays - what can I say - 2006 was one heck of a year - lots of new sets, new production facility that was under immense pressure to first and foremost keep the quality top notch and secondly try and deliver on time - I am glad to say they met their first objective but on their second fell short. That said, the 2006 figures are all being wrapped up this week (befroe Chinese New Year) and the 2007 figures are well under way. In short, production has finally caught up and we should see far fewer delays (there will always be a few - my philosophy is get it as right as possible or don't release it) and even some early items in 2007.
2) Poses - Ken and I really debated this one and came down on the side of unique poses for our first releases. Why? - - we felt the previous owners had been guilty of some lackluster poses and we wanted to give folks an idea of what kind of action we could breath into the figures. We also felt, with Hougoumont in particular, standard poses would not work or make sense. Now, all that said, we are well aware this has left some holes where linear tactics come into play - look for those holes to be plugged later this year!
3) Zulu War - I admit I have four different Zulu war collections (Imperial, Little Legion, Frontline and Britains)- so needless to say no need to sell me. The only questions are - Matte or Gloss? Rorkes? Isandhlwana or other? I have put these questions out before and gotten some good feedback from all of you - will be making decisions shortly....
4) What else guys? - poses, periods, catalog, club, etc.

Thank you for all your support in year 1 - really appreciate it!


Would like to see the figures done with a matte finish and covering both Isandlwana & Rorke's Drift along with other events of the War featuring action poses along with a series of hand to hand....The Lt.
Richard how about new boxes? The packaging with the foam inserts is excellent. But the plain burgundy boxes have been used for awhile now and they're pretty boring.
My take on the Zulu war is that the participants were less regular troops and more ecclectic militia and volunteer units. Would love to see the irregulars get more attention as well as native combat units. Would prefer gloss but would defer to the majority will. ( Besides, that is what gloss spray is for...) Michael

Unfortunately for me I collect both Britains, K&C, Conte, HB, NMA and trying to start an EoI Phalanx.

Received my Catalogue today, and as I write this I will pick my favourites and must buys from it.

The Napoleonic collection looks very impressive. The diorama they show looks very good and showcase the figures very well. I already have the first boxed set and will probably by the full range as they are released. Favourite figure 17885 The French Mounted Officer - love the horse colouring - grey.

The next range is WWI, I already have the first 3 British Infantry sets and the British Charging Cavalry Set 1 (My favourite figure). I will probably not collect the whole series but will get the first 3 German infantry, both casualty sets and the Scottish Highlanders. Favourite figure still the British 9th Lancer Charging Set 1.

American Civil War is the next range, with the first picture showing off their new Confederate figures for 2007. The Artillery set is a must-have and will go nicely with my ONTC Union artillery piece. The other sets that take my fancy are the new casualty set, all the single figures and the command sets, ok, in other words the range. The Union sets will also follow into my collection. My ACW collection is my biggest with a number of Conte and all last years Britains ACW. Favourite figure is probably the Confederate artillery set. Scenics look very impressive.

Next is the WWII seies which I would love to have especially the British but choices must be made and so this is a no go. I may buy one or two though. Anyone know if there are going to be any British Vehicles?

American Revolution - Like the figures but not into this period ( The dio scene looks impressive and big).

Agincourt - Like the figures but not into this period.

Victoria Cross series - I must admit I do like the Indian Mutiny gloss figures and may be tempted - finances allowing.

I do like the Crimean War sets but have already pre-ordered the new K&C figures.

The rest of the catalogue contains the Red and Blue gloss and ceremonial figures, which look nice but I don't collect. The Deetail figures are included, no new ones from last year but will definately buy the full range for my collection and will also buy the Knights, western and WWII figures for my son.

Last year I bought a number of Britains sets and will probably do the same this year if not more. With my future K&C (WWII and Crusaders) and Conte (Civil War) purchases, I still hope to eventually complete my East of India Greek Phalanx.

What figures would I like to see?

Zulu War - Isandhlwana - 1/24, 2/24, NNH, NNC, Arty and so on. I would love to see them in Matt. Possible hand-to-hand sets - Saving the Colours (Melville and co) - Flight of the guns - Camp scenes.

Napoleonic - Cavalry and more infantry (30 French?)

Civil War - Carry on with the present series.

Deetail Figures - Napoleonic and more Civil War.


Hi guys,

I am sure Richard will know what I am going to ask for for future sets so I will get it done up front. Durbar bands and Elephants.

Now on to the other series and sets I would say go with Zulu War sets in matte and maybe make some of them available in Glossy for knuckleheads like me. I would prefer to see vignettes like Saving the Colours done by Britains however I think some areas that havent had the kind of coverage they should would be great, like a kraal display with some 17th Lancers or Natal Native Police or a mix checking them out or maybe the Royal Kraal with a complete set of attendents. I would also like to see the death of the Prince Imperial vignette I have mentioned in the past, I realize its not a well known event but it was pretty important at the time and strained the relations with France.

The Mutiney series is interesting and I am really enjoying the Crimean sets so I hope to see more from those.

As for WWI I would like to see you actually produce the Trench Set that was scraped a few years ago for Gallipoli and also do a series of Palestine sets with Light Horse, Royals Royce Armoured Cars and some of the Command and Staff personalities aside from Major Lawrence.

Well thats about it for today.

All the best

Since the topic is fresh thought I would try and answer a couple more catalog etc. related questions:

1) More Rev War is planned for release this fall - sculpts are already done. Some striking infantry and other pieces...??? About 10 new sets planned for last quarter of 2007.
2) Boxes - good question - I developed the unique ones with photos on the front that Ertl first did in the late 1990's - so like the idea. However, it all comes down to cost. So there are three options -
Keep painting detail high, the red box and prices reasonable
Degrade painting detail and get new boxes and keep prices reasonable
Keep painting detail high, get new boxes and add another $3-5 per set for the boxes (this is due to minimum run requirements, the graphic print process and coating process for these style packs)
So far I have opted for option one as most folks seemed unwilling to pay that much more for a more graphic box - that said I watch these forums, do shows, and talk to collectors as much as I can for just this sort of thing - enough requests/feedback and I am always happy to look at adjusting things


What can we expect to see in the napoleonic range besides french and british and how long if so before we see them? Just sticking with the hougomont theme you could go with nassauers,hanoverians,avant guard brunswickers.
Do you plan on branching out to the rest of the battle?
Some allied troops in repeling and firing poses would be cool to make some squares and some french cuirassiers to go with them.
How about some brunswickers, dutch and belgian in your famous 3 piece sets with a kneeling to repel standing to repel and firing pose(I prefer single poses but this would work for square building). Even if you didn,t go crazy making a ton of poses for these troops, maybe an officer and flag bearer and a couple of wounded figures to go with them so we could at least have some of these overly neglected troops and with just 7 sculpts you could do a really nice diorama.
The same could be done with british also! And how about capt. Mercers G-troop of RHA to go on side of that brunswick square?

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