Time For New Releases (2 Viewers)

This is my third post on this subject in this thread and around a dozen on Britains and release dates. I would also like to highlight just how good the UK Britains staff are and they have not said but it would not be human if they were themselves not frustrated with the situation. I see them at the London [and Birmingham] shows and they are always helpful and nice guys and women. The situation is also a talking point when I visit TS shops, there are around 6 in the UK who stock a decent amount of TS, take no notice of the information on WB website as it is a joke, take for example a dealer in Yate near Bristol, nice like Toy Shop but they had 6 clamshell figures as there whole stock, would you call this a 'stockist'! While Antics, who has a number of shops, never have more than about 25 sets in stock. The main 2 for me are Magpies in Evesham and the Guards Shop in London, but they stock way more K & C and T Gunn and that is the only reason worth going in to the shop for. These shops would not be able to continue if they were relying on WB for stock.

I agree with the availibilty issue , its a shame that Modelzone for all there faults at least got the figures out into the high street.
I hope the Britains new policy of only releasing figure news/images near to release will help settle the issue. A big part of it that is out of there control, is many of us pre order as soon as the new figures are announced, so when figures are delayed with no news or updates its frustrating.
Hopefully on a up-note a mail order company in the UK are showing a March release for the whole of the back dated figures lets hope this is right.
Obviously WB is having issues with their factories or financing. I agree that their quality has gotten much better with Ken at the helm but deliveries are sporadic at best.
My biggest complaint is that they don't communicate properly with their customers. Put out a statement discussing their issues and how they are resolving them. Many of us
will be patient if we know what is going on!
Three years ago I started collecting the (then) new WWII range. I'm very impressed with the US and German releases so far but everything seems to have come to a halt. Hopefully over the next few months Britains will start clearing the logjam. Hope this delay is n't part of a deeper malaise with the company. I hope to heavens not!
I think they are trying to get by with a tiny staff. I am guessing that Ken and Erika are both wearing too many hats.. Must get this ship in order in a hurry as they are driving their customers to other manufacturers. Personally I have moved on Thomas Gunn. You got to appreciate some competitors who have monthly dispatches and more importantly distribute the promised goods in a timely manner. Do feel bad for britains distributors as no new products equals no new sales
My take on the whole matter is this: Ken has done an amazing job at bringing a diverse series of military subjects to life. Their Colonial British and American Civil War series are unrivalled and I have been incredibly impressed by their WWI sets. Because of the quality, the subject matter, the historical accuracy (Ian Knight's advisements on the Zulu War sets in particular), and the relative affordability I doubt I'll stop collecting.

That being said, the long production delays are disappointing- As collectors, I think most of us would appreciate W. Britains come forward clarifying the recent delays and their plan to rectify them. I don't collect K&C, but it seems they have a far superior business model; monthly releases that are quick to ship to dealers.

Just my 2 cents.
I have several WWII figures on back order but given the quality and price I can afford to be patient.
WB on Ken's watch has made figures the equal of FL at a fraction of the price, plus the excellent Fallschirmjagers look very realistic with my Figarti Panzers. A perfect combination IMO. More Please!
For those who can make it to Louisville, KY Ken and Ericka Osen will be conducting a symposium in honor of 125 years of Britains Ltd February 23rd. They might answer some of your questions and concerns.

(See my earlier post under "Britains Glossy.")
I have several WWII figures on back order but given the quality and price I can afford to be patient.
WB on Ken's watch has made figures the equal of FL at a fraction of the price, plus the excellent Fallschirmjagers look very realistic with my Figarti Panzers. A perfect combination IMO. More Please!

I’m sorry, but they are not the equal of FL. WB are nice for their place in the market, but are not comparable to FL.

Be interested as to how many other WB collectors here share your thoughts.
I’m sorry, but they are not the equal of FL. WB are nice for their place in the market, but are not comparable to FL.

Be interested as to how many other WB collectors here share your thoughts.

I agree, they are not equal in quality to FL but they are not far off in my opinion and certainly the price of WB figures are excellent when you compare the two brands.

I agree, they are not equal in quality to FL but they are not far off in my opinion and certainly the price of WB figures are excellent when you compare the two brands.


I think the German helmets and faces are better on WB WW2 figures
I'd say the newer WB releases equal First Legion... take a look at the sculpting on the CPT Younghusband AZW vignette. The detail ranks with the best of FL.
I think the German helmets and faces are better on WB WW2 figures

I agree completely, the m35 type helmet shape on FL Germans looks awful sadly. The WB Germans are excellent, and because of the better sculpting , although not quite paintwork, I buy them over FL for Ww2 Germans.
I’m sorry, but they are not the equal of FL. WB are nice for their place in the market, but are not comparable to FL.

Vicknor, are you focusing on the relative sophistication of the painting, FL vs WB, above? If so, I'd agree with you that the FL figures do appear to exhibit higher production values. It takes time to apply all of my that paint and that translates into $$$. However, in terms of sculpting, Britain's newer WW2 figures really strike me as being more lifelike. In particular, I find the FL practice of cloning faces from figure to figure to be a big turnoff in a $60 piece.

Vicknor, are you focusing on the relative sophistication of the painting, FL vs WB, above? If so, I'd agree with you that the FL figures do appear to exhibit higher production values. It takes time to apply all of my that paint and that translates into $$$. However, in terms of sculpting, Britain's newer WW2 figures really strike me as being more lifelike. In particular, I find the FL practice of cloning faces from figure to figure to be a big turnoff in a $60 piece.


I totally agree Moe, the detailed painting on the FL WW2 figures are superior but the WB WW2 figures are much better in my opinion with the facial expressions. The FL WW2 figures have also jumped up to $80 USD which is another turnoff for me.

IMO, I only will comment on ACW figures as that is the majority of what I collect. ACW FL figures have traditionally had additional painting details such as highlights and shading that were not present on ACW WB figures. However, over time the latest WB figures have closed the painting gap. Maybe the gap is not completely closed but it is closer. One other advantage has been the historical accuracy of the uniforms, equipment and poses of ACW WB figures over top ACW FL figures. It has not been a big gap but it has been there for a while. My decision to collect ACW WB has been cost driven more then anything else. Both FL and WB have some great ACW figures and you can not go wrong with either firm. Chris

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