TMterrain on primetime TV! (1 Viewer)


Private 2
Apr 1, 2007
My work is on the telly this Sunday!!
I was commissioned to make a wargames table that comprised of hills, a river and bridge and an evil wizards stonghold on a hill by ITV for the new series of Lewis. The first episode will be on this Sunday evening at 9pm (in the UK only).

I haven't seen any shots of it but I have heard there are some good close ups etc. Lets hope the wargames community comes out of it OK

I , of course won't let it go to my head but there will be an autograph session at the London show next week:D

Congratulations, lets hope it gets a lot of air time!

Very cool.:D
Hi David,
Hey could you send me your autograph on a certified check??:D:D:D

Just kidding. Hope the publicity is good for you. Will they have your name in the show credits?? Also any info yet on those who nicked your goods?

Bill W
No news on the robbery, not even from the insurance company.

I have just seen the TV show. Not bad- quite alot of time for the layout. No credit at the end.
No news on the robbery, not even from the insurance company.

I have just seen the TV show. Not bad- quite alot of time for the layout. No credit at the end.


Sue ITV-could cover your losses;)-I saw the show, although I cannot quite swallow gormless Lewis taking over from Morse-only watched to view your models-Excellent and take a well deserved bow.

I saw it too - didn't realsie till now that you had made it - but was pretty impressed when i saw it. Great work.
PS it was obvious whodunnit - she looked suspicious all the way through!

Mind you not sure why somebody would carry an ancient Persian mirror round Oxford to ambush somebody over the head with it, however deranged they are!
The terrain was top-notch stuff, should have been credited for it though.


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