Top 20 Vintage Gloss Sets . (1 Viewer)


Sergeant First Class
Sep 14, 2010
Hi everyone ,
Growing up with Marx play sets , becoming a new metal collector about 15 years ago I have recently acquired some newer gloss sets from W.B., Somerset , and monarch.
After seeing how they look in a cabinet I have found a love for the traditional look of toy soldiers.
My question is if I wanted to put together a collection of vintage gloss to show the progression of the toy soldier what would be everyone's top 20 sets to show someone from outside the hobby ?

I am not looking for artistic merit , sculpting , just the pure look of this hobby thru the years .
I would like your view of what would be your top 20 sets that you have/would buy.
Any manufacture , but try to stay in the traditional W.B scale .
You can also include Elastolin , lineol and Hausser . Or like scale .
Pre war and post .

Thanks and I look forward to the replies

Hi There,

This is an interesting question and I think I can sum up my view of what would be good to have in a small display.

I would go with a set of WBritians Lancers from before WWII with the Officer turned sideways in the saddle as if he was speaking to his troops or checking their alignment. Also would need a set of running Highlanders these are classics.

From CBG any figure set done before WWII would be great to get, some of my favorites are the Alpine Troops from Italy and any of their Napoleonic sets they are great looking. They also did little window box displays of which I would try and get the Renault FT 17 from WWI.

Heyde any Napoleonic Mounted Hussars or Dragoons.

Quiarlu post war France Airborne or Foreign Legion figures especially their bands.

As for the composition soldiers I would try and get a few figures from the various companies you already named I would also look for some of the zinnfigures in flats and semi flats the scales on these run the range of 15mm to 120mm so they would likely need a place of their own in a display. I have been picking up ones and twos of composition soldiers and even found some really interesting Franco Prussian War 15mm figures at a flea market. I cant speak to sets for these figures but I am sure that Andanna or the Baron can. I will post some photos so you can see some of the figures I am talking about.

I would also include Imperial of New Zealand in the display and some of the other modern figures like Marlborough.



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I would certainly agree with Dave's suggestion regarding the Britains Lancer Officer figure turned in the saddle - probably my favourite figure ever.

But as you will almost certainly need a Band or two - to liven things up a bit - how about that figure reviewing his Mounted Band at practice - a bit like this one perhaps? johnnybach


Then you will almost certainly need a Stadden figure or two - this one's unpainted - though many are already painted ( or can be painted yourself).


Next - you will almost certainly need a French Foreign Legion presence - mine is a band - but any of them in a Desert setting would be good


Then - how about some of Britains Knights of Agincourt - in a medieval section of your cabinet. Mine are repainted ones - but you can still find them about.


These are the mounted ones - whilst the foot figures are below.


That's a few of my immediate thoughts - I'll think on a bit further - and come back again............johnnybach
Well - I must admit that this question has had me thinking for most of the day - and I HAVE thought of a few more.

How about a set or two from the German master Heyde? I have liked this one very much, of Frederick the Great vintage.


There are plenty of others from this maker, of course - such as these below - which include more of my favourites like French Foreign Legion, some French Napoleonics, German Navy and British Guards.


NEXT - What good collection wouldn't be complete without a Courtenay figure? I have chosen The Black Prince (Prince of Wales).


Assuming that money is no object, what about one of the older Britains Sets ( if you can find one!) - such as Set 73, which contained around 77 figures (contents varied apparently), though I would just love the famous 275 piece set 131, first produced in 1906. Could't find a pic of that - so settled on the top row of set 73 instead.


Another line would of course include some of the colourful Scots regiments - like these perhaps - a pipe band by Britains again. Also the Scottish Cavalry - The Scots Greys would perhaps be a must too.



Though I would prefer a few more of them - including a Band of these of mine perhaps.........


As you live in America - what self respecting collection would not also include some rareties from nearer to home - such as the famous Bahamas Police Band from Britains?


In that vein - pehaps these would also suit? The famous yellow jackets of the US Military Band on parade - 24 pieces (plus a spare here) of pure colour.


Lastly ( for now) How about some of the many, many Cowboys and Indians ( and Cavalry) from the old West? These below are quite modern ( from Irregular Miniatures) but there are many manufacturers including old Britains and many of their old competitors like Crescent, Timpo and others to consider. I'm afraid that I don't know too much about American manufacturers other than some excellent offerings from such as Wm Hocking). But these are just some of my initial thoughts on a purely personal basis.


Good thread this - very thought provoking - and I will watch other offerings and thoughts with great interest. Johnnybach
Thanks for the response , as I have found that I have a general ideal of what I want to buy .
I wanted to see how many of the older collectors chose the same sets as me ,
Do we all have the same desire for certain sets ?
Is there certain sets that every collector must have ?
Thanks and keep it coming .
Johnnybach and Dave ,
I had already decided to buy a band , but will have to be a marine corps marching band .
( can't help that ) as for the Hocker, while a newer manufacture I am simply amazed by the tiger hunt set and some of the pull toy boats .
Hey Chuck - that's okay - though I don't suppose your Marine Band will look like mine?^&grin johnnybach

I'm guessing this is the one you may like to have - Britains set number 2112 - US Marine Band in Summer Dress, which is a very nice 25 piece set.

Hi again,

Johnny has put up some fantastic sets! I have to say that if money isnt an object then you should try and find either of the Imperial Heirloom sets. These were 40 figure sets, one is a parade set with band and marching Highlanders the other is a Square Set that is just amazing! I still regret not getting one all those years ago.

I would also try and pick up some of Britains Glossy Durbar line the Mounted Officer of the Viceroys Body Guard is a Classic and the first elephant simply called the 1903 Delhi Durbar. These two sets are just about as great as they come.

Britains also is doing some great bands in recent years and they did the USMC Band and color guard. They were done in 2006, 2007, 2008 so check around and see if yo can find them.

I suppose we all have our own personal preferences - and must admit I omitted to mention The Durbar offerings - which for sheer spectacle would be difficult to beat.

However - I found this American supplier of US Marine figures yesterday whilst looking around - and thought that they were very well presented - and excellent value - so thought I would pass on the tip to you Chuck - to have a look. Here they are......


Some very nice figures there - hand painted by a disabled American Veteran (Former USAF), by the name of Steve Harvey. Find him on;

You can buy them as a complete unit - as above - or even in stages ( e.g band/ colour party etcetera) - and might be just what you are looking for - from an American supplier. Worth a look? johnnybach
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This is a great thread with pictures of some beautiful sets:salute::

I have several Trophy Big Box sets, here are two of my favourites







This is a great thread with pictures of some beautiful sets:salute::

I have several Trophy Big Box sets, here are two of my favourites









Great set! I had the Trophy full 40 piece band and color party of the Gordon Highlanders for Egypt an the Sudan, and it was one of my favorites for a long time. I ended up giving it to my buddy Hans for Christmas a couple of years ago, because I knew he, a passionate Trophy collector would enjoy it more than I.

My suggestion for a classic glossy set would be a Heco Tinplate Models Rolls Royce Armored Car or WWI Aircraft. They are all hand made, by a true "mom and pop" cottage maker (Tony Williams and Adele Moore), and, to me, are what this hobby is all about.
Agreed - Trophy have some lovely sets like those Highlanders - but you will find that these are getting more and more tricky to find these days Chuck.

So I'm attaching an idea for you to think about. Why not find some castings and paint them yourself to look like the ones you want?

I did a largish set myself recently of the Gordon Highlanders towards the end of the 19th Century, in Britains style - which included a Colour Party, Pipe Band, Military Band and Escort(see below). Maybe not as good as the real thing - but very acceptable (to me, anyway). You could even make up sets that nobody has produced before this way - and maybe save a bucketful of cash to boot.

Think about it? johnnybach

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Hi Chuck,

What a terrific challenge to arrive at a top twenty sets! Already, you have numerous wonderful suggestions with more to come. This thread is not only interesting, it is exciting.

I might make one small suggestion. If your motive is to illustrate the evolution of the toy soldier, I would recommend including some American made Dimestore figures. In addition to the Marx playsets, the dimestore figures were extremely popular in the USA during the 1950s. In my opinion, including some figures made by Barclay, Manoil, and/or Grey Iron would certainly be appropriate to help illustrate the history of toy soldiering, especially in the USA.

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :smile2:
This is one of the best threads on the forum in a very long time. Top 20 is difficult. I am a fan of the Knights of Agincourt from Britains (glossy mode). Not a band guy but there are some very impressive pictures included in this thread which demonstrate why they are so well liked.

I recently saw a General Pershing at an AEF campsite in gloss for $110 though I do not know who the maker is. Not sure it would crack the Top 20 list however.
Hi Chris,

That sounds like a really interesting set. Did you get a photo of it by any chance? Was it the WB Set 41106 from 2004

Now if I was to pick my 20 top sets it would have to be the following, if money wasnt an object.
WBritains set 23 (1894) Fixed Arm 5th Royal Irish Lancers
WB Set 25 (1895) Soldiers that Shoot
WB set 81 (1899) That 17th Lancers
WB set 88 (1904) Charging Seaforth Highlanders
WB set 201 (1920) Officers of the General Staff
The entire WB Glossy Durbar Display I look at it as one giant set and enjoy the heck out of it when I have them all on parade!
Imperial Heirloom sets
WB Christmas sets from 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005
Marlborough 17th Bengal Lancers Mounted Band
WB Jubilee sets of the Pipes and Drums of the Gurkhas
Frontline Glossy Dervish Mounted on Camel
WB Collectors Club Crimean War/Victorias Cross Sets for the Thin Red Line
Tradition 95th Rifles Retreat to Corona
Errol John Christmas in the Khyber
Beau Geste Ladikhi Devil Dancers
WB Victoria Cross Single Mounted 11th Hussar
WB Jaipur Elephant Standard Bearer
WB Camel Corps Dismounted officer
WB Lord Kitchener Mounted for the Durbar
WB Dervish Mounted on Camel

I could add a lot more sets and single figures here especially from Companies like CBG or Quiarlu and many others. But this is the bulk of what I would consider a top 20.

Is this the Tradition set Dave? I think I still have a couple more choices left if, I add this one in..........johnnybach.

How are the choices going so far with you Chuck?

Hi Johnny,

Yes indeed that is the one. I am a big fan of that set, I have it plus a bunch of other 95th Rifles sets from other makers.

I must be getting close to my twenty now - but thought I would throw another selection into the mix.

No mention yet of any WW2 figures. Well, this is one of my favourites below. I know it's another Military Band - but that's just because I like 'em.

This one is a made-up version adapted from a Romanian Soldier casting - but I know that K&C make a version (which I didn't want to afford - but inspired this one). It's actually from 1938 - so pre-dates the actual War. Maybe others can fill this era with some other choices?


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