Top Sellers (1 Viewer)



On the K&C home page, there is a column labeled Top Sellers and there are five ranked models. The models shown do change frequently. I have two questions; one is complicated in nature the other is pretty straightforward.:confused:

First, does anyone know what the term "Top Sellers" means? Is it the top five items sold on the K&C web site specifically (to individuals); or, is it the top sellers ordered by dealers; or, is it the top five shipped regardless if the purchaser is a dealer or not; or, does some other method determine the ranking?

Second, what is the time frame to determine the top sellers? Is it daily, weekly or just when marketing says, “list this one, it’s sales are lagging”?:)
Good question. Hadn't thought about it. Maybe it's just what dealers are reporting to K & C although I don't know if dealers are doing that. Maybe Andy will address at some point.
As long as we're talking about the website, I've seen other sites that have a column showing whats been updated and when ie: news was updated and date. For those of us who frequent the site, it would make checking out what's new much simpler.
I think the "top sellers" column is just one of Andy's "cunning plans":D (No offense, just watching Blackadder-DVD's over here). If he wants an item to sell well, he just puts it in his top sellers-list and A) people (like me:rolleyes: ) will freak out because they think stocks will be out soon, or B) people will buy these items because they're popular.

Yep, Andy has got it all figured out...:p;)
Hi Guys,

Re “Sceic2’s” very good question as to what constitutes one of our own top sellers…

Every week (usually Wednesday) I get a report from our sales team about what items have been selling best in the previous 7 days.

The figures are compiled from TOTAL sales to dealers, our own K&C retail stores in HK and SA and to K&C’s own private customers worldwide. That’s it pure and simple.
We then put that info on our website normally on Thursday each week.

That’s the story so far…

Best wishes and…happy collecting!

Andy C.
Thank you Andy. I now have a better appreciation as to what a top seller is.

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