Tough old gut. (1 Viewer)


Staff Sergeant
Nov 10, 2006
Curious as to why we haven't seen the Italian campaign covered by K&C. Seems there's a lot of potential to showcase German camouflaged armour and German soldiers. Tigers, Panthers and self propelled guns. Armoured vehicles as well.
Curious as to why we haven't seen the Italian campaign covered by K&C. Seems there's a lot of potential to showcase German camouflaged armour and German soldiers. Tigers, Panthers and self propelled guns. Armoured vehicles as well.

Nice thread mate, yeah a few of us have previously mentioned the 'Italian campaign' as having huge untapped TS potential for manufacturers, but it doesn't appear anyone is really that interested.......not sure why?
I watched ANZIO last night.. I think likely because many of the same allied units fought in North Africa. I guess there maybe some room for the Herman Goring division or maybe poles from Monte Cassino. Surprisingly Corgi did the Italian campaign(Italy: the race to messina and beyond) and I don't think it was a big seller at that time. It included wc 56 command card, m4a3 Shermans (royal scot greys and US 2nd armour), a Churchill, panther from 16th panzer and finally sd kfz semi track (herman Goring).
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I try to push K&C in the direction for him to make WW2 Italian Campaign in Tunisia,and N. Africa, along with Herman Goerings Panzer Grenadiers Also, want the "FOLGORE" Paras, in N.Africa! CIAO
As a small suggestion, maybe K&C could look at producing a couple of 'Italian' type buildings similar to the Desert Village series? That may get collectors more interested in the campaign and allow for some creative displays/diorama's using some of their existing ranges? They could also work well with the 'Roman' series and maybe extend it in a European direction?

'Italian' façade buildings could be a cheaper option as well?

Just some thoughts......maybe Andy would like to make comment or give some feedback?

Cheers Toddy
The Italian campaign could take K&C's Tigers, Panthers, Stug III's and other armored vehicles in a whole new direction.
Always been a big fan of the Camo vehicles. So many possibilities....
I know that this thread is about K&C and the Italian campaign but as an associated observation there was the same discussion of the Pacific and the question of why manufacturers did not fill this gap. One manufacturer released a Japanese tank and apart from two that I know were purchased by Australian collectors (I bought one on a whim. I felt it was interesting and the price seemed reasonable) there did not seem to be the same number purchasing a Pacific release as there were actually calling for a Pacific release. I understand that just because I saw only two on the Forum that does not mean that they did not sell well or that people were not interested, or indeed that all Pacific minded collectors would be interested in a tank, but the number of people interested in a release may not bear much relation to the number who purchase it reasonably promptly when it is released.
I know that this thread is about K&C and the Italian campaign but as an associated observation there was the same discussion of the Pacific and the question of why manufacturers did not fill this gap. One manufacturer released a Japanese tank and apart from two that I know were purchased by Australian collectors (I bought one on a whim. I felt it was interesting and the price seemed reasonable) there did not seem to be the same number purchasing a Pacific release as there were actually calling for a Pacific release. I understand that just because I saw only two on the Forum that does not mean that they did not sell well or that people were not interested, or indeed that all Pacific minded collectors would be interested in a tank, but the number of people interested in a release may not bear much relation to the number who purchase it reasonably promptly when it is released.

I hear what you're saying Jack, some food for thought there and some good comments mate. There does appear to be the same small group of members commenting here as there has been in other similar Threads about the Italian campaign.

I think like others it has untapped potential, but of course that all depends upon feedback from members and other collectors to manufacturers like K&C.

I think Italian style buildings would sell if K&C produced them, however that may not fit with their current direction? Personally I think some WW2 periods have been done to death and I find a lot of collectors are always looking for 'new stuff' that is interesting and slightly different.

Would be keen to get some feedback from Andy on this and other members who could be interested in figures and buildings for this time.
I hear what you're saying Jack, some food for thought there and some good comments mate. There does appear to be the same small group of members commenting here as there has been in other similar Threads about the Italian campaign.

I think like others it has untapped potential, but of course that all depends upon feedback from members and other collectors to manufacturers like K&C.

I think Italian style buildings would sell if K&C produced them, however that may not fit with their current direction? Personally I think some WW2 periods have been done to death and I find a lot of collectors are always looking for 'new stuff' that is interesting and slightly different.

Would be keen to get some feedback from Andy on this and other members who could be interested in figures and buildings for this time.


I agree with all that you say - particularly when you have agreed with me!! I asked Andy at the dinner about retirements and he made the obvious point that figures are not retired while they are selling well. My interpretation of that comment was that, in effect, the collectors 'retired' a piece when they stopped buying it and Andy just acknowledged it by stopping the production. I wonder if the Italian campaign - overshadowed as it has been by D-Day and beyond - is in the same category. The popularity of Western Europe as a field for collectors does not compel a change. The only way to ensure a K&C look at Italy is for collectors to stop buying the alternatives - which is hard to see happening. If K&C started this range, would they attract new collectors and more purchases or would they just divide their current WW2 collectors between the different theatres. I think another company, looking to find market share, might be a better hope for those wishing to see this range in the short term. That said, every prediction I have made about future releases has been wrong so do not bet the house on it.


I agree with all that you say - particularly when you have agreed with me!! I asked Andy at the dinner about retirements and he made the obvious point that figures are not retired while they are selling well. My interpretation of that comment was that, in effect, the collectors 'retired' a piece when they stopped buying it and Andy just acknowledged it by stopping the production. I wonder if the Italian campaign - overshadowed as it has been by D-Day and beyond - is in the same category. The popularity of Western Europe as a field for collectors does not compel a change. The only way to ensure a K&C look at Italy is for collectors to stop buying the alternatives - which is hard to see happening. If K&C started this range, would they attract new collectors and more purchases or would they just divide their current WW2 collectors between the different theatres. I think another company, looking to find market share, might be a better hope for those wishing to see this range in the short term. That said, every prediction I have made about future releases has been wrong so do not bet the house on it.


Some really good points here Jack and appreciate your feedback mate!! I think you're on the money, why try moving your collectors into another series when the present ones are doing so well, especially considering production costs for a new unproven period that doesn't appear to be overly popular in the first place?

That approach makes business sense and I can see Andy's dilemma. I suppose it's all about finding a balance which would be a skill in itself. Still my philosophy is to never say never, who knows what the master has up his sleeve? The one thing I truly enjoy about this hobby is it endless variety and surprises and Andy and the K&C team seem very good at both.:salute::


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