Toy soldier armageddon (1 Viewer)

Currahee Chris

Sergeant Major
Apr 24, 2007
Just had a shelf collapse in one of my glass display cases- all of my FL Ren Landsknecht Cav figures bit the dust. One of them is ok but the other three are banged up- to include the two mounted standard bearers and the REN003 figure.....GRRRRRRRRRRRR I hate it when that happens. I was trying to dust a little and WHAM!!! Fortunately all the pikemen were spared but it's still pretty brutal. Got all the mounties as part of the FL sale but still..........I do think I can repair them, the mounted colonel will have a broken baton though- it snapped off and is lost.

Hope no one goes through this in the future- it sucks.
Sorry to hear that fate has wrought such devastation! This really is the worse when it happens.

In solidarity,

Worst nightmare. I have large granite rocks as part of my display on glass shelves ….
I have nightmares about that as well. I've broken a few but a whole shelf... Ouch. grrr.
Very sorry to hear. Glad you're healthy at least!
Best Wishes
If you need someone to make them as good as new, let me know. I had a couple of figures destroyed in the earthquake and he put them back together. If you need a reference you can ask Tom Dubel.

If you need someone to make them as good as new, let me know. I had a couple of figures destroyed in the earthquake and he put them back together. If you need a reference you can ask Tom Dubel.


Aw man Chris sorry to hear but Brad is correct. The best repair man I know from Russian figures to glossy heaps. Brad can steer you in the right direction.
Cheers for the kind words fellas. It's been a slow process but I have repaired about half of them. It's kind of one of those weird things where you start wondering "Am I getting too old to handle these figures?". It just seems like over the last couple years I have had more and more drops and other clumsy accidents with my figures.
Cheers for the kind words fellas. It's been a slow process but I have repaired about half of them. It's kind of one of those weird things where you start wondering "Am I getting too old to handle these figures?". It just seems like over the last couple years I have had more and more drops and other clumsy accidents with my figures.

I've had similar experience, and not just with toy soldiers. I think my depth perception has deteriorated somewhat, as I've gotten older.
Currahee Chris,
You have my sincerest condolences. With the current prices of newly purchased "toy soldiers", read connoisseur figures, repair, let alone replacement, is virtuously prohibitive. I know, recently my dear wife knocked a small display case of the shelf off my larger display, irreparably destroying the front end/wheels,fender, springs, of an early K&C WWII armored car. First you have to find a replacement, then the lowest price currently available ( always significantly higher than original). A REAL PAIN IN THE ARSE! I"m 87, and am extremely cautious moving about my man cave.Cringe when my wife comes in. She felt very badly, and did allow me the replacement cost.
Jim aka Arnhem Jim

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