Toy Soldier Collection Reality (1 Viewer)


Aug 28, 2009
To All Members of the Forum,
Am certain the following assessment is going to sound rather arbitrary. In the 21[SUP]st[/SUP] Century the hobby of collecting toy soldiers, or if you so choose military miniatures, in my personal opinion is dying, if not already dead. It has been replaced by the art of designing and building dioramas, once reserved as the sole realm of museums. Toy soldiers/military miniatures have been relegated to the role of a supporting, albeit essential, element of those dioramas. End of statement. Vehemently argue or politely discuss as you may. Not saying this is good, bad, or indifferent, it is just a fact of life, in my personal opinion.
Arnhemjim aka Arnhem Jim
Arizona Terrirory
What evidence do you have/have seen that this is the case? So are you saying that collectors are getting away from putting figures on shelves and have switched over to constructing large dioramas instead?

I don't see a lot of the latter here on the forum, nor do I see it on any of the numerous toy soldier related Facebook pages that I now frequent, I see a lot of "quick" displays of a few figures, maybe a tank and some scenics scattered around, that's about it.
I personally think the displaying of "Toy Soldiers " is neither dying or dead, are guys more inspired to post a diorama showing off a new tank, a few new soldiers, perhaps, but that's no swipe at guys who buy and place on a shelf, me personally I have shelf collections and a few larger dioramas, it's just more fun for me to use a diorama setting to display for photos, discussion etc. Either way be it a shelf, diorama it's all good as they say.
Don't agree with the assessment of Arnhemjim.

Several years ago a hard core group of Brisbane collectors combined to collaborate on some very large dioramas that were displayed in a school Museum. Waynepoo, Fitzgibbon, Jack and Mark IV were involved. Out of that the grew the idea to have an annual diorama competition and the results have been posted here.

The initial large dioramas and competition has resulted in more collectors coming up with better ideas to display their figures. In some cases they have commissioned others to make a diorama on which to place their figures.

The interest in dioramas has increased interest in toy soldiers rather than reduced it.
Each to their own Jim, nothing wrong with either, nor those who collect, but don't display for reasons such as lack of space or maybe have a partner who doesn't want the shelves clogged up with ornaments !{sm2}

For myself I like to see figures, Vehicles etc in a set up/scene /diorama where they tell part of a story.

I personally am I diorama person, I love creating scenes with what I refer to as military miniatures. I enjoy trying to create interaction between figures, scenic backdrops and etc. I don't have permanent dioramas but only because of space, otherwise my figures and etc live on shelves!
The thread title looks like “click bait”; okay I’ll play.

Perhaps the toy soldier specifically has lost momentum and isn’t growing like in the past.

I’ll grant you that, but the diorama replacing the enthusiasm of toy soldier collecting.

Yeah, that’s “a Bridge too Far” …Click bait! Rebutting this claim; yeah, I’m not going to even dignify that statement.

You don’t mean to say, you lament over “the good ole days” of toy soldiers being mixed in a display on top of glass shelves? Really?

Okay, to each is own. I can’t add anymore, but to say, I’m too busy planning my next story telling with another diorama staring….Toy Soldiers!!!

To All Forum Members,
Sincere apologies. It was not my intent to provoke open verbal warfare, but I did anticipate disagreement. But not such short fuzes. Was only trying to convey a personal observation and opinion. It just seems to me that the predominate number of threads show or address subjects or content containing/focusing on dioramas. Once again, only one collector's opinion, fully recognizing that currently in our general society "Free Speech" is an extremely contentious issue.
Arnhem Jim
Arizona Territory (with both open or concealed carry law, but not must carry)
It just seems to me that the predominate number of threads show or address subjects or content containing/focusing on dioramas.

I also noticed this. And I think it is a good thing, since the toy soldiers are valued in a stable or temporary diorama.

I think that many, like me, have started to exhibit toy soldiers on a shelf, but soon they want a scene, a ground, a backdrop...:)

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