toy soldier painter (2 Viewers)

Your matte knights have a Courtenay-Ping style to them which I really appreciate. All of your work looks top notch.
Hi Guys thanks for the encouraging comments, I really think this is a very friendly site and am enjoying reading the interesting threads. Just for info i have added some more pics of my work to my profile folder.

Regards Beating retreat
Hi John

I want to repaint some of my soldiers

How do u strip them before painting

I need help and suggestions

Thank u for ur time MapleLeaf

or reply at forum

Thank u very much
Hi Guys my name is John Firth i live in the English Civil War town of Newark in Nottinghamshire UK. Ive recently retired and hope to take up painting toy soldiers as a profession. I have been painting soldiers for my own and friends collections for over 30 years. I would now like to offer those skills on a professional basis to anyone out there in the toy soldier world. I paint in most scales 1/32 54mm being the main one, either matte traditional gloss or superior gloss all at reasonable prices I also convert and construct dioramas building most scenery from scratch. Please check out my website or view my album at http//

Hello John,

For some reason, I am not able to connect to your website:

I have had a look at your album and your work is indeed very impressive.

Best Regards, Raymond.

Hi Raymond I cant explain why not it seems to be working OK even when I clicked the site from your thread, it linked with the site. Have you tried again? hope you have more luck

Regards John
Hi John, going to take a look, it's always a pleasure and a leisurely moment!

Best regards,

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