Toy Soldier Shoppe open house (2 Viewers)

Holy C**p! Where did that come from? That looks awesome. Tell us more about the contents of this photo please.

Hi Mister Dave, saw you there at the open house. I have never gone to the Toy Soldier Shoppe, previously I have bought sets on ebay, Hauf Hobbies, and the Toy Station. Now I wish to return once a month.:):):):):):):)
That looks like the work of Derek Cross from All The Queens Men. He has now retired. He specialized in large dioramas of colonial and Napoleonic scenes. I always found his soldiers a bit wiry but he had a lot of fans.
Damian Clarke
Hi Mister Dave, saw you there at the open house. I have never gone to the Toy Soldier Shoppe, previously I have bought sets on ebay, Hauf Hobbies, and the Toy Station. Now I wish to return once a month.:):):):):):):)

Paul is a great guy to do business with, so I would highly recommend the monthly visits. Maybe I'll see you in there. I go about 2 times a month on average.

Mister Dave.
That looks like the work of Derek Cross from All The Queens Men. He has now retired. He specialized in large dioramas of colonial and Napoleonic scenes. I always found his soldiers a bit wiry but he had a lot of fans.
Damian Clarke

That would make sense having had a closer look at the photo. I had a couple of his Omdurman 21st Lancers and as you say they were a little bit wiry and sort of more artistically done than other makers. His catalog was extensive, but a bit too pricey to get shipped to me. Clearly we need a new range of matte figures for this conflict anyway. :cool:

Oh, well Randy you have reminded me of another comment that Richard made yesterday regarding Sudan figs. There will be a dismounted camel corps figure also for the Redcoats series.

I love those LL Heavy Camel Regt. guys. Do you have all 4 of them yet?

Looking forward to seeing what you do with photos of the new releases of course.

Mister Dave

Hi Dave

No this is my first but I hope to get more from Paul.

I purchased one but unfortunately had to return it as it wasn't well made.
Well, they are fairly skinny standing next to most other brands. I actually had a few Guards infantry figs from Sudan made by them now that I think of it. Also the bases were very small on the foot figs and they tipped a lot. His style was cool but a lot different. I believe he actually sculpted the metal itself and the painting was less about precise detail and more artistic looking. Just basically a very different style of toy soldier than I'm used to, that's all. That is not to say that a bunch of them do not look really great in a huge diorama mind you.

AQM specialized in large custom built dioramas. There are some on the website from Waterloo. A massed British square facing French cavalry and the like. The figures did not stand alone well. They had to be in a group.

I just joined the this site. I was at the open house. I try to visit The Toy Soldier Shoppe about 4 times a year, Paul and Carl are great. I was there just last week, I stopped by the Shoppe before the Nationwide race. I will try to get up there in July and November at the other open house event.

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