Toy Soldier show Sunday in Lawrence MA (2 Viewers)


Very sorry for your loss. My best wishes and condolences to you and your


Very sorry to hear about your dad. I lost mine unexpectedly many years ago so I know a little bit how you're feeling. Also, my mother in law, back in 1993, had a terrible stroke and died a couple of days later. It was probably the best thing for her as she would have been severely incapacitated.

I am so very sorry to hear about your loss. Please accept my sincere condolensces.
Tim: I am sorry to hear of your Father's passing. My condolensces to you and your family at this difficult time. Leadmen
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I have started a thread in the misc. section for condolences to Tim because they were not as likely to be seen buried in this show report thread.
I have copied over the condolences already posted here so there is no need to repost but now that we have a specific thread for them please post them there so Tim is sure to see them.

Best regards,
Very sorry to hear about your loss, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers..........
But if I had been promoting that show.........:eek::eek: I would have

know how Frank N. Stein felt when he heard the villagers coming:eek::eek:

I spent several years in Jersey promoting Train Shows with 350-400 folks

and a couple in Florida promoting Antique & Collectible Shows that filled an

Armoury.......that looks just plain scary to me:eek::eek:

We ended up with just over 100 paid attendess, plus about 15 wargamers. Our Fall Show in Dedham on October 19th usually gets 300-400
We ended up with just over 100 paid attendess, plus about 15 wargamers. Our Fall Show in Dedham on October 19th usually gets 300-400

Well good for you, very few people take into consideration what it takes to

put on a show. Finding the facility, advertising, arranging tables, chairs, and

other items not necessarily supplied by the facility. Set up, table assignment,

will refreshments be served.......who will supply them?

Insurance (incase someone slips) security, get the idea.

Then you always have the happy souls that come up and say "I didn't sell

anything".........always a fun thing to respond to.

Occasionaly you will have the dealer selling hot wheel cars and pantyhose

always a fun thing to explain to the other dealers. And lets not forget the

table encroachment and "He sold my chair" factor.:eek:

So more power to you! I know you were also a dealer so as long as you met

your expenses......but I imagine with 100 attending it was close.

I have never run a Military Minature show, my experience is with Train

Shows and Antique & Collectible.

Train Shows usually had 65 dealers and a rowdy loud step

below fist fight, but in the end they all left vowing to be back next month for


Antique & Collectible were 300 + and a real madhouse! I employeed several

off duty policemen and Ex-Navy Luca Brazi. Big friendly to a point

and usually one beer short of falling over he was a great problem solver.:D

Anyone loud and beyond reason would find himself discussing his problem

with Mike.:eek:

His response was usually "How long ya think it will take ya to pack up"?

Cause in another 30 seconds your going to be out of hear on your.....:D

I wonder what he's doing now? Probably running a miniature golf range back

in Florida.

My Pal Mike


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