Toy Soldier Shows in the US. (1 Viewer)


Sergeant First Class
May 31, 2014
With the very sad news of the cancelling of the Chicago 2023 i was wondering what shows are left in the US? Chicago was on my bucket list to attend, now i am wondering what other options i have.

I am still hoping ther will be a show and deep thanks for those involved in organising a new show.
With the very sad news of the cancelling of the Chicago 2023 i was wondering what shows are left in the US? Chicago was on my bucket list to attend, now i am wondering what other options i have.

I am still hoping ther will be a show and deep thanks for those involved in organising a new show.

The West Coaster in February
The Indy Show in March
The Gettysburg Toy Soldier Show in April
The MFCA show in May
The San Antonio Show in May
The MMSI show in October
The "other" Chicago Show TBD
The East Coast Toy Soldier Show TBD/not sure if it's dead or not
And I'm confident that the Chicago show will return in 2024.

And I'm confident that the Chicago show will return in 2024.


I think some of the dealers should team up with the MMSI and join in on their show around the same time as the chicago show, then we regroup and find a proper facility in 2024 as you suggest................or if the MMSI show goes well enough, build from there.

Rome wasn't built in a day, neither was Syracuse.
So what in your opinion is now the best TS Show to visit in the US?

it depends on your collecting focus. If you are into high end, sich as figures painted by artists, Russian painted figures, military oil paintings etc., I would say the MFCA. If you do mass manufactured figures and plastic figures, the MFCA is probably not for you.

Gettysburg stands out from the location. The battlefield is very well preserved and the town is really attractive to visitors.
it depends on your collecting focus. If you are into high end, sich as figures painted by artists, Russian painted figures, military oil paintings etc., I would say the MFCA. If you do mass manufactured figures and plastic figures, the MFCA is probably not for you.

Gettysburg stands out from the location. The battlefield is very well preserved and the town is really attractive to visitors.

The MFCA is like a French Foreign Legionnaire; two fellow soldiers have already been picked off up in the fort watch tower (The East Coast Toy Soldier Show and The Chicago Toy Soldier Show).....................out of IMO the "Big Three", they are the last man standing.

The Gettysburg Toy Soldier Show is in a great location needless to say, but it's morphed into a plastics show made up of a lot of "dealers" who are just part timers either thinning out their collections or Ebay peddlers running around pre show grabbing all the bargains to later flip on Ebay.

There is a famous Ebay peddler from the tri state area who carpet bombs every toy soldier Facebook page with picture after picture of the 42,000 items in his "inventory", he holds more stock than I do as a legit full time dealer, as far as I know he does not attend the show.

That show used to feature The Marxman, Crown Toy Soldiers, Memphis Toy Soldiers, Dutkins Toy Soldiers, Stockade Miniatures, Al Green's Toy Soldiers, Brian Greenwood/K & C, Carl Hogermeyer and myself, Minutemen Toy Soldiers.

Of those eight dealers, only myself and Crown are left, Crown has moved to Texarcana, the others have either retired or sadly, passed away.

There used to be another hobo who drove around cleaning out every Target and Walmart on the Eastern half of the US of 21st Century Toys and FOV vehicles, since both of those companies went into the shitter, he stopped coming, what a loss for the hobby.

There was another guy who took his place at Gettysburg with a 9 foot high wall of said vehicles, he'd come in with 934 of them, go home with 934 of them, not sure what the point of coming to the show was for that guy, yet another "dealer" on the show circuit.

Hobby Bunker started attending last year and it was myself in one corner, him in the other as the only two full time legit metal toy soldier dealers, my sales from 2019 (the last year I attended) got cut in half.

Several metal collector customers of mine attended, one said "This show sucks"...............hmm, ok then.

Another dealer who used to attend and I worked out an arrangement, I bought his inventory, so he's out too.

If you are a metal collector, that show is really not for you.

The best East Coast show at this point IMO is MFCA by a country mile, a great two day event, the exhibit area alone is worth the trip, plus Keith Rocco is there, he's a great guy, a good friend and a world famous artist.

I've always loved that show since the first time I attended.

That said; it's not worth a trip from across the pond, a good many of the dealers sell paints, brushes, hobby supplies, high end Russian figures, plus you've got the official unofficial Osprey USA dealer with 62,768 Ospreys on his tables, surprised his nutbag has not popped lugging 700 pounds of books in and out of the 900 toy soldier/wargaming/model kit/general toy/gun shows he attends.

So, there you have it.
The MFCA is like a French Foreign Legionnaire; two fellow soldiers have already been picked off up in the fort watch tower (The East Coast Toy Soldier Show and The Chicago Toy Soldier Show).....................out of IMO the "Big Three", they are the last man standing.

The Gettysburg Toy Soldier Show is in a great location needless to say, but it's morphed into a plastics show made up of a lot of "dealers" who are just part timers either thinning out their collections or Ebay peddlers running around pre show grabbing all the bargains to later flip on Ebay.

There is a famous Ebay peddler from the tri state area who carpet bombs every toy soldier Facebook page with picture after picture of the 42,000 items in his "inventory", he holds more stock than I do as a legit full time dealer, as far as I know he does not attend the show.

That show used to feature The Marxman, Crown Toy Soldiers, Memphis Toy Soldiers, Dutkins Toy Soldiers, Stockade Miniatures, Al Green's Toy Soldiers, Brian Greenwood/K & C, Carl Hogermeyer and myself, Minutemen Toy Soldiers.

Of those eight dealers, only myself and Crown are left, Crown has moved to Texarcana, the others have either retired or sadly, passed away.

There used to be another hobo who drove around cleaning out every Target and Walmart on the Eastern half of the US of 21st Century Toys and FOV vehicles, since both of those companies went into the shitter, he stopped coming, what a loss for the hobby.

There was another guy who took his place at Gettysburg with a 9 foot high wall of said vehicles, he'd come in with 934 of them, go home with 934 of them, not sure what the point of coming to the show was for that guy, yet another "dealer" on the show circuit.

Hobby Bunker started attending last year and it was myself in one corner, him in the other as the only two full time legit metal toy soldier dealers, my sales from 2019 (the last year I attended) got cut in half.

Several metal collector customers of mine attended, one said "This show sucks"...............hmm, ok then.

Another dealer who used to attend and I worked out an arrangement, I bought his inventory, so he's out too.

If you are a metal collector, that show is really not for you.

The best East Coast show at this point IMO is MFCA by a country mile, a great two day event, the exhibit area alone is worth the trip, plus Keith Rocco is there, he's a great guy, a good friend and a world famous artist.

I've always loved that show since the first time I attended.

That said; it's not worth a trip from across the pond, a good many of the dealers sell paints, brushes, hobby supplies, high end Russian figures, plus you've got the official unofficial Osprey USA dealer with 62,768 Ospreys on his tables, surprised his nutbag has not popped lugging 700 pounds of books in and out of the 900 toy soldier/wargaming/model kit/general toy/gun shows he attends.

So, there you have it.

Thanks for the comprehensive answer, i was going to combine the trip with a few days in a city, Chicago obviously, had a plan sorted for that one, hopefully 2024 wil be back on. It is mainly K & C, JJD and T Gunn i collect so will have to wait. Saw the East coast show and think it is a bit too much self painted stuff for me, see it is in Philly, went there for business in 2018 and thought it was a troubled place, we joked that the Amazon Delivery Trucks had rear gunners. Went to Gettysburg in 08 and 14, saw the battlefield and spent some money in the Gettysburg Toy Soldier shop on Steinwehr, first time i remember it was early morning and he had just opened up, do not think the owner was in a good mood, probably thought i was a tourist tyre kicker and just mouching round. However, i pointed to 2 K & C WW2 WSS tanks i said i would have and 3 sets of figures and he soon perked up, spent around $1200 dollars and was there a couple of hours chatting away, he was a big fan of Richard Sharpe Napoleonic series. there that long i even went out and go us both hot drinks, couple of locals came in and had a nice couple of hours just shooting the breeze with fellow collectors.

Shows are going the same way no matter where you are, i visit the London Show but generally only buy off two people, Grey Goose and Saimex, always come away with something i was not intending to get, impulse buy, but that is what i would miss not visiting the show. Dec 22 was a K & C 2022 Christmas set and a Figarti Churchil AVRE, first Figarti set ever, but saw it and thought it was a wow piece, cost £200 but does well with my K & C Normandy stuff.

Thanks again, the Chicago show was a bucket list thing for me, same as the Russian Tank Museum, but now with what is happening there i think not a time for a Brit to visit. Still off to the Roman Limes in German in the summer, with a couple of day in the Ardennes on the way back. Plus a trip to Normandy this year as well, Bayeux is a 6 and half hours away from home, that is with a 4 hour ferry, so easy to do.
The West Coaster is held in
a destination area of Southern California.
I'm choking on my tea, you have me laughing so much, George!

As you and many others know, sarcasm is right in my Dad, God rest his soul, found humor in everything, it was his crutch and how he made it through life for all of his 88 laughter filled years.

So, if you don't know me/have not dealt with me face to face at a toy soldier show, trust me; sarcasm is how I roll.

I sell toy soldiers for a living, God blessed me with this wonderful opportunity, I try not to take myself or life too seriously vs some people I know who go through life with a board up their ***................

Live, love, laugh, words to live by so to speak................
As you and many others know, sarcasm is right in my Dad, God rest his soul, found humor in everything, it was his crutch and how he made it through life for all of his 88 laughter filled years.

So, if you don't know me/have not dealt with me face to face at a toy soldier show, trust me; sarcasm is how I roll.

I sell toy soldiers for a living, God blessed me with this wonderful opportunity, I try not to take myself or life too seriously vs some people I know who go through life with a board up their ***................

Live, love, laugh, words to live by so to speak................

George, do not forget are Greek after all :)
The West Coaster is held in
a destination area of Southern California.

I hope it's not near a homeless encampment, will there be enough electricity to keep the hotel lit or will it be shopping by coal miner helmet light, asking for a friend.
The MFCA is like a French Foreign Legionnaire; two fellow soldiers have already been picked off up in the fort watch tower (The East Coast Toy Soldier Show and The Chicago Toy Soldier Show).....................out of IMO the "Big Three", they are the last man standing.

The Gettysburg Toy Soldier Show is in a great location needless to say, but it's morphed into a plastics show made up of a lot of "dealers" who are just part timers either thinning out their collections or Ebay peddlers running around pre show grabbing all the bargains to later flip on Ebay.

There is a famous Ebay peddler from the tri state area who carpet bombs every toy soldier Facebook page with picture after picture of the 42,000 items in his "inventory", he holds more stock than I do as a legit full time dealer, as far as I know he does not attend the show.

That show used to feature The Marxman, Crown Toy Soldiers, Memphis Toy Soldiers, Dutkins Toy Soldiers, Stockade Miniatures, Al Green's Toy Soldiers, Brian Greenwood/K & C, Carl Hogermeyer and myself, Minutemen Toy Soldiers.

Of those eight dealers, only myself and Crown are left, Crown has moved to Texarcana, the others have either retired or sadly, passed away.

There used to be another hobo who drove around cleaning out every Target and Walmart on the Eastern half of the US of 21st Century Toys and FOV vehicles, since both of those companies went into the shitter, he stopped coming, what a loss for the hobby.

There was another guy who took his place at Gettysburg with a 9 foot high wall of said vehicles, he'd come in with 934 of them, go home with 934 of them, not sure what the point of coming to the show was for that guy, yet another "dealer" on the show circuit.

Hobby Bunker started attending last year and it was myself in one corner, him in the other as the only two full time legit metal toy soldier dealers, my sales from 2019 (the last year I attended) got cut in half.

Several metal collector customers of mine attended, one said "This show sucks"...............hmm, ok then.

Another dealer who used to attend and I worked out an arrangement, I bought his inventory, so he's out too.

If you are a metal collector, that show is really not for you.

The best East Coast show at this point IMO is MFCA by a country mile, a great two day event, the exhibit area alone is worth the trip, plus Keith Rocco is there, he's a great guy, a good friend and a world famous artist.

I've always loved that show since the first time I attended.

That said; it's not worth a trip from across the pond, a good many of the dealers sell paints, brushes, hobby supplies, high end Russian figures, plus you've got the official unofficial Osprey USA dealer with 62,768 Ospreys on his tables, surprised his nutbag has not popped lugging 700 pounds of books in and out of the 900 toy soldier/wargaming/model kit/general toy/gun shows he attends.

So, there you have it.

There are similar things in the UK, there is a show in the Midlands area, which is a ghost town, i know people that have done it and not sold enough for Lunch. No main dealers, just people selling of junk as if it gold, one guy trying to single unboxed K & C for between £60 and £100 pounds each. While a mate of mine, we only lived 55 miles away took up a load of Del Prado, single figures £3 to £4 and mounted £6 to £8, Napoleonic, Medieval Warriors and WW2. People complained his prices were too high and guy actually offer him, seriously, £20 for 20 mounted figures. the book people do not tend to attend, at the London Show, there is Rifleman Harris from Sharpe, he sells his book and mugs and postcards, he is a really nice guy. There is a guy who flys over from Belfast, there and back in a day, brings his stuff in two suitcases, i often thing if he sold all him stuff it would not be worthwhile financially, think it just a bit of jolly and he has been in the TS game for decades. There is one guy, dealers will know him, 'greasy hair guy', very scuffy, looks like he is on benefits, comes in after 2pmish when it is free, wanders round all the show, asks lots of question, picks up all the freebee leaflets etc, touches everything, but honest enough chap, no way do i think he would try to steal anything. Harmless, some moan, but as one dealer said, this is probably a highlight for him in what could be a tough existance, cannot afford to buy but if it makes him happy and he does no harm there is no problem. Afterall, the dealer said, how many of us have walked into a car showroom, looked at cars, sat in them etc, knowing there is no way we can afford one, we are doing the same, know i do, Aston Martin showrooms are mine.

One of the Highlights at the London Show is always TM terrain, David always has an impressive large diorama and if you catch him early enough he makes a few smaller dio pieces to sell at the show, £20 to £60 or so. The London Show is in a school and there is the normal sports and other kids activities at the weekend, so a few kids and parents around, at around 1pm when the 'rush' has died down you get a few having a wander with the kids, does no harm and often their is a 'yummy mummy' bringing her kids round. There is a guy works on the the T Gunn stand [he is on the forum and he knows who he is] and i have heard him say the same thing a couple of times, he always speaks to the kids and asks what they think and then he always asks 'is this your sister?'.................... what a line?

Good group at the London show, see the same faces and catch up, expect that is what you guys will miss about their not being a Chicago show. As the Irish say "The Crack".
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The things I will miss most about Chicago is the excitement that used to build to the lead up to the show, the drive out full of anticipation, geting the rooms all set up and opening the doors as the customers flow in, it's like a family reunion as you see old faces from the previous year, wandering the halls and popping into rooms not knowing what you will find, then the rush when the crowd stampeded into the hall on Sunday.

It clearly was the show of shows, the biggest in the world.

At the end of the day, it's not the journey, it's the people you meet along the way that makes things special.

Times change, life goes on.
There is one guy, dealers will know him, 'greasy hair guy', very scuffy, looks like he is on benefits, comes in after 2pmish when it is free, wanders round all the show, asks lots of question, picks up all the freebee leaflets etc, touches everything, but honest enough chap, no way do i think he would try to steal anything. Harmless, some moan, but as one dealer said, this is probably a highlight for him in what could be a tough existance, cannot afford to buy but if it makes him happy and he does no harm there is no problem.

Every show has a guy like that.

There used to be a guy at the Chicago show who did the same thing, would wander in at 2:00pm when it was free, finger **** everything on everyones tables, make off with stacks of free flyers and literature, ask 9,000 questions and not spend .02 cents, another Chicago attendee used to come into my rooms 423 times during the room trading, would never buy anything, never once saw him with a bag, but would always go on about how "GREAT!!" the show was.

All in all, completely harmless, sort of sad to be honest, those are the sorts I am more patient with than most, my Dad always used to say "It costs you nothing to be nice to people"........................
Oh, you guys are talking about a patron! I thought for a minute you guys were talking about a vendor.


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