Toy Soldiers France "Mondial de Modelisme 2007" (1 Viewer)

There was a website for the event but it is infuriatingly difficult to navigate, and there are endless pop-ups, several unexpected crashes when trying to open pages -

Frederic's own website has some other photos of the event:

There's a great one of a wide-eyed man (white beard) looking a Roman display whilst his wife (redhead) peers down through her glasses thinking "they will not match the furntiure in the living room ..."
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Wow ! Great Displays :eek:

Brad - who made the Castle for the Crusader figures ??

Really Really Great Stuff. :D

I remember Louis saying that Gordon was making a huge castle for Fred.
There was a website for the event but it is infuriatingly difficult to navigate, and there are endless pop-ups, several unexpected crashes when trying to open pages -

Frederic's own website has some other photos of the event:

There's a great one of a wide-eyed man (white beard) looking a Roman display whilst his wife (redhead) peers down through her glasses thinking "they will not match the furntiure in the living room ..."

The photos came from Fred's website.

I remember Louis saying that Gordon was making a huge castle for Fred.


Very impressive - I sure hope Andy puts together a resin tower or something for this range. We need a Wall or Tower to attack with all these great Crusaders.
Okay, Tony, Rob, Brad, and Pierre, meet me at the Museum for a planning session. I think we also need to bring in Ed (Halomeeps) as our Special Forces expert, and Chuck Harris (with his SOG experience) as our head planner. Then we can clean out Fred and redistribute those fine items to our deserving collections!

Your Honor, I had no knowledge of the activities of members of our toy soldier forum. Are they not liable for their own actions? I am simply a lowly clergyman, Your Honor. I would never endorse such actions.... What's that, Your Honor? You want to know how that fantastic diorama came to be found in my shop? I have no knowledge of that either. It just appeared one day....:eek:
Your Honor, I had no knowledge of the activities of members of our toy soldier forum. Are they not liable for their own actions? I am simply a lowly clergyman, Your Honor. I would never endorse such actions.... What's that, Your Honor? You want to know how that fantastic diorama came to be found in my shop? I have no knowledge of that either. It just appeared one day....:eek:

Oh yes, the old 'I've no knowledge of that' response. So how's that holding up for you in the US Courts? :rolleyes:


(Reuss - Guilty as charged. Sentence - Massive stock clearance to forum members only at 75% off)
Does anyone know how to speak french??????? Can you translate 'Do you sell any Retired King and Country' into French for me please?????:confused::eek::D:eek::confused:
Plausible deniability only works for the President. Sorry Peter, you'll have to answer to a higher authority. :D
As the Joker said in Batman, “Where does he get those wonderful toys?” I am more interested in where does he get those wonderful acrylic display cases? I know that Brian Greenwood has some smaller versions, but those larger types, those are the ones I would like to have.
Does anyone know how to speak french??????? Can you translate 'Do you sell any Retired King and Country' into French for me please?????:confused::eek::D:eek::confused:

Avez-vous des références retirées de King & Country à vendre?

Avez-vous des références retirées de King & Country à vendre?



Now my french is not that good!! but i am sure what Pierre is saying is

'Guys i will go in the front door keep Fred talking then you guys go in the back throw in a coupld of Thunder flashes and then grab and run like hell':D

Now that of course is just a loose translation, but it would appear that Pierre is on our side. I slip him a couple of Crimean figures to make sure he understand what side he is on!


'Me lord, whilst coming out the rear of said Paris store i was clubed on the back of the head by a very tall masked man, i think he had some blonde hair sticking out the back. as i hit the floor he removed from my grip said castle'

'why was i coming out of the rear of the store!!!?? due to a large disturbance by what seamed a very loud bunch of americans!!! in the store myself and a fellow Brit Rob told the propirotor of said store that we will take his stock out the back for safe keeping!' That is the truth me lord' Ask Rob:D

Me lord Tony speaks the truth me Lud!!!.We was minding our own bussiness like,when one of the American Gentlemen,i fink his name was Napoleron shouted BRITS!! LETS GET EM!!! ...and i say no lie me lud when i say my poor umble self and me lord Tony ran for our lives like!.It was only when we reached the safety of the local ale house that we realised our ands were full of K&C ME LUD.And i swear that on my twenty five destitute children and my dear old granma who is 275 years old me lud.:D
I want to thank you gentlemen for all your devious work. Due to the impending attack on Paris - the Crusader Castle has now been moved to Washington, DC for safe keeping.

In its place are LIFE SIZE - French Heavy Calvary awaiting you :D


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