Toy Soldiers Only? (1 Viewer)

I am a collector by nature and along with my now reawakened interst in soldier collection I also manage to collect DVD's CD's, 7inch vinyle records and have a great interest in the ACW - I managed to collect a card series called The American Civil War News and had them framed - these were issued around 1964 - and are in excellent condition - unlike my bank balance! :(
All of my hobby funds go to toy soldiers. In fact, I think the hobby has actually helped me to be more frugal with my other spending because I tend to talk myself out of buying things by considering how many toy soldiers I could get instead of buying something else. As much as I’d love to get a new Mustang or Camaro, I’m going to try to keep my current car until the engine falls out. Think how many toy soldiers you could get each month for the amount of a single car payment.

I find myself going through that exact same thought process. On multiple occasions I've found myself skimping on something even say $25 thinking that's an extra figure I could get. I guess this is what addiction is like???
Yep, that is my one and only collecting habit and I too consider history books and prints as part of the same collection. I would say my collection is of a moderate size. I only collect pre-1900 periods, whichever range I like. I have several ranges in my collection and a mix of manufacturers. I don't feel a need or care to collect everything in a range that is released by any manufacturer. I am primarily a diorama builder and I first see if an item will fit in a diorama that I envision before purchasing. Also, sticking to a budget is important to me. This hobby is expensive and I must maintain some control over it. I sometimes mix different manufacturers products, if it works.

A lot of interesting answers and insight, thanks for posing the question! :)
I collect toy soldiers tanks military history books dvd's medals and any and everything to do with military history.Simmo.
I started to collect toy soldiers since i could walk to the store to buy them
always been fascinated by the 1903 Delhi Durbar
so i collect the Beau Geste Delhi Durbar
i have to admit i bought the Britains matte serie
collect also Nap British
also AK and 8th army that was a clean war
Rommel insisted that there would be no SS in Africa
i really like the ACW and Zulu but how much can i spend
so discipline my freind is the order of the day
listen to ur wife so u don't thin ur forces
so u don't have to work just to pay for toy soldiers
that's what i think that's what i do (discipline)
Maple Leaf
I am a collector by nature and along with my now reawakened interst in soldier collection I also manage to collect DVD's CD's, 7inch vinyle records and have a great interest in the ACW - I managed to collect a card series called The American Civil War News and had them framed - these were issued around 1964 - and are in excellent condition - unlike my bank balance! :(

If you mean the Topps card series, I grew up with them. Lost most of them, somewhat growing up, but have often thought to seek them out, for memories sake..I play with electric trains, read and watch all military history..........Michael
Frank Millward, I had those Civil War cards. There were fantastic. Very graphic...bayonet through the body, legs blown off. I just loved them. I had them all too (I don't have them now). There was a Martian invasion one too. Also very graphic...death rays, giant insects eating soldiers. Back to the original topic....I only collect toy soldiers. Started on metal ones in 1995. First it was ACW until I saw KC's WWII and then I was hooked. Only WWII now. Can't afford more than one range. That WB Sudan range looks mighty tempting and JJ's latest from the London Show, wow! Must resist. I can't even afford to buy the scenics I've been eyeing from B-A-R.
I am a collector by nature and along with my now reawakened interst in soldier collection I also manage to collect DVD's CD's, 7inch vinyle records and have a great interest in the ACW - I managed to collect a card series called The American Civil War News and had them framed - these were issued around 1964 - and are in excellent condition - unlike my bank balance! :(
Interesting that so many collected those cards. Somewhere (?) I have that set in a card album, but I am not sure where. I will go look for it. It was a wonderful, colorful, and graphic, (for it's day), set of cards. I also had the Mars Invades set but that is long gone. Nice that you have framed and preserved your set. -- Al
Thanks for all the input. Interesting to see so many people consider themselves collectors. I've also collected all kinds of stuff (coins, stamps, Star Wars, baseball cards, etc.) I've read that people's personalities generally steer them to two types of hobbies; collecting or activities where you're doing something. Still, the blog Art of Manliness had a list of 40 hobbies for "men" and collecting was one of them.

My other hobbies are all military related (Confederate documents and signatures and military rifles), so I guess they're all connected. Either way, I'm having fun.
Collect military firearms, WWII and earlier, and toy soldiers. Was collecting the Normandy and Naps ranges, but added RAF last yr (who could resist the Hurc?). Will start the War Along the Nile series from WB (is that okay to say here?). Firearms has been put "on hold" for a while. :rolleyes:

Problem with starting a collection that has been out for a while is trying to keep ahead of the retirements while adding newly released "gotta have" pieces. I try to budget for monthly additions.

I collect anything---- USMC-----WWI-present times, books, magazines, soldiers, and of course militaria..............Stryker
I also collect coins and Bachmann Mini-Planes.

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