Tradition Fairy Tale (1 Viewer)


1st Lieutenant
Feb 7, 2007
Here is Hans Christian ANderson's Brave Toy Soldier


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Ya Know Damian I could make one of those sets...... If only there is enough time. Ballerinas, anyone???
You can get the castings from Tradition. That is what we did here. In the story I think the ballerina is made of paper. She spurns the brave toy soldier and all that is left of her is a black smudge whilst the toy soldier melst into a tiny heart. The revised ending she is metal and both their bases melt together into a heart.
Boy I am going to start crying soon
You can get the castings from Tradition. That is what we did here. In the story I think the ballerina is made of paper. She spurns the brave toy soldier and all that is left of her is a black smudge whilst the toy soldier melst into a tiny heart. The revised ending she is metal and both their bases melt together into a heart.
Boy I am going to start crying soon

AWWwww It's all wight. Me too.:):)
Well, if he wasn't a mismold, wouldn't he have been discharged from the army? Tough to march on parade with one leg.
Yeah that's what my ex wife used to tell me, but she never called me a wee man chum.
Oh!Dear appears there were very few fairy tales told in the Chicago area!
Oh yeah we do, every year they tell us this is the year for the Chicago Cubs, they've been telling us that for the last 100 years.
Oh yeah we do, every year they tell us this is the year for the Chicago Cubs, they've been telling us that for the last 100 years.

LOL I have an old ACW chum who is also an avid "Cubbies" fan- in fact he might still be sitting in his seat in Wrigley Field following this year's disappointment...but I did say to him next year 2008 will be the one hundred year anniversary of your last World Series win and who knows? fairy tales may just come true in Chicago.
I suppose that's possible and the tin soldier may regrow his leg too, never say never.
That's okay, I'm a White Sox fan anyway, I don't buy into the Cubs fairy tale. Grew up 3 miles from Wrigley Field and never liked the Cubs. The old rebel without a pause thing I think.

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