Do you know a good resource apart from Osprey books for Grenadier uniform colours for this period? I don't think I want to go with the yellow facings as per the Tradition painted models.
By the way Lt. I like your job on the Zulu Wars figures. Is the hospital the Britains one?
I agree on the Osprey books, especially if you're talking about the 3 volumes, "King George's Army". There's more information in them about how officers bought commissions, and what the Scots did, than any kind of good uniform information. I don't see how hard it would have been to have organized those books like the series on the Prussian or Austrian armies, with everything organized by regiment-"Here's the regiment, here are their uniform details, facing colors, regimental standards", etc.
To illustrate how bad they are: On Saturday, I had to look up the button color for the British regiments. I didn't know if they matched the lace color, as the Prussians and Austrians did: tin/silver for white lace, brass for gold lace. I went through each of those three volumes and found not one word on the subject. So I went to my next closest reference, Mollo's "Uniforms of the American Revolution". In it, I found a note that said that all British rank and file wore tin buttons, and officers had buttons that matched the lace. I don't know if that applied in the Seven Years War, but at least it was something.
So, I've mentioned one of my other sources, "Uniforms of the American Revolution". As the title indicates, it covers that war, but it does reference the French and Indian War to a degree, and Mollo includes some discussion in the changes to the Royal Clothing Warrants, and text descriptions for each illustration, whatever the regiment.
And other source is the Partizan press series, although I only have the title from that line on the Prussian and allied armies in the Seven Years War. But the book does include a section on the British army, and also, it's written by a wargamer, and I think he thought of fellow for wargamers, the book contains tables and diagrams listing things by regiments. I'll check it when I get home tonight and post back on the quality of the author's info on the British army.
Then there's Mollo's "Uniforms of the Seven Years War", and another little hardbound book called "Uniforms through History", or something similar, I'll check that title and author, too, when I get home tonight. But it's laid out like Mollo's books, with numbered plates/pictures, and then text descriptions for each one. That's where I got my illustration of the 20th Foot at Minden.
Apart from those printed sources, I've used the Internet. For those regiments that are still in existence, and even those that were amalgamated, many maintain websites, and some include pictures from their history.
Hope that helps, prost!