Transaction dispute question (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Mar 8, 2011
What is the best way to settle a problem regarding models bought on this message board and never delivered (lost by USPS) and the seller who won't reply to my email and PM?

Any suggestions on how to proceed would be welcomed.
What is the best way to settle a problem regarding models bought on this message board and never delivered (lost by USPS) and the seller who won't reply to my email and PM?

Any suggestions on how to proceed would be welcomed.

Well if you paid by paypal it not a problem just take it up with them .I think I'm right in saying it got nothing to do with the owners of forum just the two party's
UKSubs is correct, we at Treefrog Treasures provide this forum, which is often used by collectors to buy/sell. All transactions are between buyer and seller...we cannot be liable for what happens between private individuals.

I hope you can work things out. Have patience...often people are away from their computers for a bit, so what it assumed to be 'he won't return my PM' is actually 'he hasn't read my PM.'

Thanks for the reply. I hope this is a case of the seller not reading his email and PM. However, the last time I heard from him was December, 2011 in which he agreed to help locate the missing package and would compensate me if it was not found. I sent my latest email and PM to him on April 26 and 27. His last post on this forum was April 27.

I think my problem with this seller does concern other members of this message board because the seller is a regular here and has posted frequently offering models here and on ebay. Possibly, other members might encounter problems similar to mine.

I've been very patient with the seller because I've bought from him before and had no problems. But this transaction occurred in November, 2011--six months ago---and I'm still waiting to hear from him.
If he reads this, I hope he reads his email and PM and responds so this can be settled amicably.

I received notice from my credit card company that the dispute was settled in my favor, and I received a full credit for the purchase amount.
On the seller's ebay ratings, one buyer paid $285 for King & Country items which arrived broken. The buyer said he contacted the seller and received no reply.....I know that feeling. :mad:
a lost package isn't really the sellers fault. sometimes those things happen. i know i've had to file for package traces which usually yield no results. best this to do is pay for insurance so if does happen, you can get your money back without hurting the seller.
In a recent closed thread two Australian forum members mentioned buying and paying for items not received from the same seller. In the later case the buyer trusted the seller and as a result waited too long to claim via Paypal. The seller sold the items via this forum.

This evening another Australian member of this forum mentioned to me he had bought some items from another forum member (not the one mentioned above). Payment was made but no further news from the seller and buyer is now claiming through Paypal. I know the seller is a well known member of this forum and am quite surprised he has not sent the product or replied to buyer.

I totally appreciate the forum policy of not wanting to get involved in such transactions so it is a hard subject to deal with.

Should buyers who have such problems at least just mention them via PM to Shannon and Peter (with details) so that they can at least know some sellers may have "ïssues". If for example they got 4 complaints in a short period about the same seller perhaps they could take quiet action behind the scenes. I have in the past told Australian members that buying from forum members should be no problem as they are known via the forum. However if such disputes are kept hidden members do not know a seller is not actually sending the product.

I am aware some sellers do not like to sell overseas (especially via Ebay) and totally understandable as more hassles with postage costs, delivery and damage etc. However in the three recent cases I presume the seller knew the buyers were in Australia before agreeing to the transaction and accepted the purchase.

In the case of both the sellers mentioned above I would have previously told members there should be no problem with them. Now it is getting to point where might have to say safer to buy via Ebay no matter who the seller is on the forum. One thing is for sure people should not trust forum members to the point they go past the point they can not raise a Paypal dispute.

Have any UK and USA, Canada or other Aussie members had issues with fellow forum members selling items (no names).

Any thoughts by other members and TF ?. Please do not mention any members names as that is not the purpose of this post.


I think Peter and Shannon would not want to get involved in any way as they feel they are providing this as a convenience and don't want to be in the middle. If they mentioned something to one of the parties, I think that would be farther than they want to go.

I've had a habit of saying that when you have an open forum, you will have all sorts of people as members, some that you like and some that you don't, similar to the people we meet in person in our daily lives. Unfortunately, sometimes you just don't know who you are dealing with and although we all have common interests, you don't always really know the person on the other side.

I'm fortunate that I've never been burned in the few purchases I've made through the Forum but I suppose a few bad episodes along the way is inevitable.

If this was to become a recurrinig problem, I suspect that Peter and Shannon might say the heck with it and get rid of this feature altogether.


Bought/swapped a lot on here and, never had any issues. Once sent an AFV to wayne which got to Oz was apparently not delivered and returned to me and, had to be sent again. 24,000 mile round trip!!!!

Bought some figures which did not show seller on here refunded me figures turned up six months from buy date and seller was paid again.

My issues were just down to the stupidity of the postal services. As Brad alluded on a forum everyone is not a ''gentleman'' and its foolish to believe everyone is ''caveat emptor'' and a little common sense on the rules regarding refunds from paypal etc. If there is no mens rea on the part of the seller why would they be upset or annoyed etc that you would action a claim or refund??

There must be thousands of deals take place here and only a small number are questionable I would imagine so, lets hope we don't lose the facility
Transactions on the forum can still go hassle free for the buyer if you pay the seller through PAYPAL. Have the seller send a PAYPAL request for payment and the buyer has buyer protection if you never receive the item.
I've been lucky as anyone I've bought from has given me excellent service.
Transactions on the forum can still go hassle free for the buyer if you pay the seller through PAYPAL. Have the seller send a PAYPAL request for payment and the buyer has buyer protection if you never receive the item.

Definitely the way to go. Other point is no matter how popular he may appear on the forum or with
other buyers make sure you make any claim within the time allowed by Paypal.

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