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Brigadier General
Feb 18, 2008
What's everybody's first impression of this only going by the trailer.Seems like it's going to be a little drab.I'll try it as so few period shows get done.
I enjoyed the first episode. I will definitely tune in next week.
First episode was good enough to give it a look next week. Naturally, it is the bad guys that are interesting. The take on Robert Rogers very much so. -- Al
I haven't watched it yet but everybody that has seen it seems to like it so I'm recording it right now.
i have seen it this morning, and, I like it
Waiting for the next episode

Finally watched the 1st episode. I really enjoyed it! Looking forward to the next one. I love this era of history.
Second episode was pretty good. The Robert Rogers character is going to steal this show if the writers let him. He is the most interesting character, by far, although the captured British captain is pretty good. -- Al
I'm In. Besides the story line, looking at the small touches, both interiors and exteriors, like the windmills (Long Island)!!! Major Rogers is a hoot so far!!!
I'm in as well. I just watched the two episodes back to back. Very little has been predictable so far. I like the music. Sounds a little like the same composer as The Walking Dead. Lots of scarey violins.

Some minor issues with the British uniforms. As Capt. Simcoe was with the 40th and the 40th had buff facings then the uniforms on the extras must be the "Anonymous Regt. of Foot" in white facings and no lace colors. Capt. Simcoe was also a Grenadier officer and none of the troops have any grenadier accoutrements. The costumers have made some attempt to make the British troops look "real" and like a threat.

A few too many beards on the American men and uncovered bosoms on the two women.

This series from AMC looks pretty good w/o all the fife and drum flag waving that other Rev-War series have had.
I am enjoying it so far. saw first 2 episodes. Rogers is played by the same actor that did Robert the Bruce in Braveheart. The Rogers character is coming off very strong, really good take on how they are going with him. The British officer that captured is a hoot too.

Well I've watched 8 episodes and like it more than I thought I would except for that god awful intro song.{eek3}
Still into it and have quite liked the last 2 episodes. Have even come around to liking the lead character, somewhat. Still think Robert Rogers is stealing the show. :wink2: -- Al
Yes Rogers is interesting character.Rogers was removed in late January 1777 from command of Queen's Rangers,Simcoe took over later that year.I wonder if the show will follow that timeline.It will be hard for them to get rid of Rogers on the show.I'm not crazy about Woodhull.
Yet to watch last episode but I do like this.Based on historical truth more than I realized.
Just watched the finale,overall not bad.Thought the put Simcoe a little too far out there.Did he not become Gov.-Gen of Canada?Rogers was a real character,wonder if he comes back next year as he was removed from command of The Queen's Rangers. Eventually, Simcoe took over command.
I finally finished all the episodes. I quite liked it. There is a building at Fort Huachuca
[Tallmadge Hall] named after the Ben Tallmadge character. A second season is supposed
to be in the planning. These period pieces always amaze me how they could actually fight a war
decked out in those uniforms. Wigs especially.
I finally finished all the episodes. I quite liked it. There is a building at Fort Huachuca
[Tallmadge Hall] named after the Ben Tallmadge character. A second season is supposed
to be in the planning. These period pieces always amaze me how they could actually fight a war
decked out in those uniforms. Wigs especially.

Yeah the troops really suffered in some of the uniforms they wore,epecially in extreme weather like winter or in the tropics.

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