Our printer just picked up the 80 page behemoth. So should see it in about 3-4 weeks in your hands. About 20+ pages of new items and around 60 pages of existing figures. It is packed with many great new figures, some surprises with one large one in particular....
Our printer just picked up the 80 page behemoth. So should see it in about 3-4 weeks in your hands. About 20+ pages of new items and around 60 pages of existing figures. It is packed with many great new figures, some surprises with one large one in particular....
Our printer just picked up the 80 page behemoth. So should see it in about 3-4 weeks in your hands. About 20+ pages of new items and around 60 pages of existing figures. It is packed with many great new figures, some surprises with one large one in particular....
Richard, I'm feeling nauseous. Is it a farm house or a ACW gunboat? A nap ambulance, or a dow? I wait with anticipation!
-Sandor :salute::
This was taken at the London show in December 2011 - might be?
I frankly don't know what to expect. I hope there are some surprises!
This was taken at the London show in December 2011 - might be?
Here is a sneak peek of the next Blue & Gray exclusive...
Hello All,
I've heard rumors of 100 plus Gettysburg figures.