VID soldiers - Napoleonic french army sets (2 Viewers)

New set Fr-22 - French republican infantry (continue)
This figures you can purchase in the shop Les Drapeaux de France


it's nice to see more of your figures, especially this set of pre-Napoleonic era.

Here are 3 of the figures that i painted, maybe I'll get some more soon?


He looks a little older than 2 or possibly 3 years old...😂

You are right Charles Victoire Emmanuel Leclerc (17 March 1772 – 2 November 1802) was a French Army general who served under Napoleon Bonaparte during the French Revolution. He was husband to Pauline Bonaparte, sister to Napoleon. In 1801, he was sent to Saint-Domingue (Haiti), where an expeditionary force under his command captured and deported the Haitian leader Toussaint L'Ouverture, as part of an unsuccessful attempt to reassert imperial control over the Saint-Domingue government. Leclerc died of yellow fever during the failed expedition. Wkipedia

I have a figure of him which is one of 185 figures in the Hachette Marshal & Generals series.


Continue of the set Fr-22 - French republican infantry
This figures you can purchase in the shop Les Drapeaux de France

Continue of the set Fr-22 - French republican infantry
This figures you can purchase in the shop Les Drapeaux de France

Continue of the set Fr-22 - French republican infantry
This figures you can purchase in the shop Les Drapeaux de France

Continue of the set Fr-22 - French republican infantry
This figures you can purchase in the shop Les Drapeaux de France

Continue of the set Fr-22 - French republican infantry
This figures you can purchase in the shop Les Drapeaux de France

Continue of the set Fr-22 - French republican infantry
This figures you can purchase in the shop Les Drapeaux de France

Continue of the set Fr-22 - French republican infantry
This figures you can purchase in the shop Les Drapeaux de France

Continue of the set Fr-22 - French republican infantry
This figures you can purchase in the shop Les Drapeaux de France


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