VID Soldiers. Our news. (1 Viewer)

Russian cavalry, 1812-1814
Life-Guard Hussars regiment

Izjumskiy Hussars regiment

Life-Guard Dragoons regiment
Just released some new figures of the Napoleonic German duchies

Saxe light infantry
Wurttemberg light infantry

Westphalian Jaegers-Carabiniers batallion

Westphalian carabiniers batallion
they look great - but how does one purchase these fine items and from whom and at what cost.??????
Sachsen-Coburg-Saalfeld - Grenadiers company, 1807-1813

Sachsen - Leib-Grenadier-Garde regiment, 1810-1813
Israelite corps (since 1810 10th line infantry regiment)

Conscrits de la Garde Royale, 1810-1813
It seems I forget to post our standard set "French Imperial Old Guard grenadiers in parade".


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