Vietnam USMC LVTP-5A (1 Viewer)


Brigadier General
Nov 20, 2015
A work in progress of a just received a 3D printed LVTP-5A from Paul today. Cleaned it up a little and given it a spray of primer to see what needs to be sanded before painting and what I can leave alone. Tracks will be muddied up.
I'm adding the Tripod mounted .30 which will be sitting on some sandbags when finished.

This model will look grand once the brushwork is completed. Looking forward to the completed scene too.
This model will look grand once the brushwork is completed. Looking forward to the completed scene too.

Cheers GH :salute::

Yes the Amtrac will fit in with lots of Vietnam USMC scenario settings.

This is the first 3D printed vehicle that I've ordered and I think it will turn out well once finished. Not a vehicle made by any of the 1.30th scale manufacturers at present and would I think due to it's size be expensive. Probably not something that would appeal to many collectors either.
Seeing how well this has printed up I will order a few other vehicles that aren't made also that I would like to have. Next will probably be an Armoured car I have in mind.
Seems the only drawback now, is a limited imagination. This will and has already come up a treat Steve. Robin.
Seems the only drawback now, is a limited imagination. This will and has already come up a treat Steve. Robin.

Cheers Robin :salute::

Certainly not for everyone as unless you have someone do the work for you, 3D printed models do involve a bit of painting etc and there are some limitations, but on the whole yep what you say Robin, that and they don't come with a nice box ! {sm4}
Still got some finishing touches to do (Decals), though they may take some time. But in the meantime.....


Nose art and gaping jaws idea which I've done my take on comes from an actual Amtrac and came from youtube, where Amtracs on a search and destroy mission during Operation Newcastle March 1967 in Quang Nam Province provide support to 2nd Bn 5th Marines.
The weathering is excellent as is the sharks mouth.

Outstanding creation and work Horus!


Thanks very much guys :salute:::salute::

To get it to this stage after recieving it from Paul, after the initial coat of spray can primer was a few minutes spent sanding of rough bits and then used spray putty allowed to dry, sanded to a smooth service, easy on the sides not so easy amongst the hatches etc on the top deck. another shot of spray can primer, allowed to dry, spray can of Nato green base coat then top coat of a USMC colour mixed to give a slightly faded effect. painted jaws, glued on nose art and touched up with paint. mixed a slightly reddish earth paint with some pva glue and very fine sand and applied. Allowed to dry and there you have it.
My thought on 3D printing of vehicles. On the minus side, I'd say as long as you are going for something with plenty of flat surfaces, not a problem, but soon as you get to vehicles with lots of nobbly bits etc, then sanding to an acceptably smooth enough surface could become tedious very quickly. Plus of course they are not so detailed as say a Tamiya kit, though of course it would be in the scale that you want rather than what is manufactured.
On the positive side, if there is a 3D design out there for the vehicle you are particularly after and even a lot of obscure vehicles have already been designed mostly for war gamers. So like this LVTP-5 have it scaled up and printed and have the vehicle that you want.
I just found your thread Steve . . . Just outstanding in every aspect. I am envious of your talents and at the same time very impressed with your results 👍
Beautiful brushwork work on the Armtrac. The handpainted croc mouth looks effective. Well done to you. Looking forward to seeing more of this vehicle in your dioramas.

I just found your thread Steve . . . Just outstanding in every aspect. I am envious of your talents and at the same time very impressed with your results 👍

Beautiful brushwork work on the Armtrac. The handpainted croc mouth looks effective. Well done to you. Looking forward to seeing more of this vehicle in your dioramas.


Thanks for your comments guys much appreciated :salute::

Mike, Must of been spine jarring jumping off one of those carrying a pig of an M60 !

GH, From some of the photos I've seen gaping jaws were quite a favourite on all sorts of vehicles and aircraft and a lot easier to paint then you think !

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