Height structure of Brtish Army units in North America, summer 1757 (From Brumwell, 2002). Only 1.35% 6-foot tall or taller. Redcoats, The British Soldier and the War in Americas, Page 316. Math is Brunwells.
Height Number Percentage
5' 6" and under 5623 38.20%
5' 6.5" 1538 10.45%
5' 7.0" 1706 11.59%
5' 7.5" 1222 8.30%
5" 8.0" 1166 7.92%
5' 8.5" 739 5.02%
5 9.0" 817 5.55%
5' 9.5" 560 3.80%
5' 10" 544 3.70%
5' 10.5" 286 1.94%
5' 11" 211 1.43%
5' 11.5" 112 0.76%
6' 0" 115 0.78%
6' 1" 42 0.29%
6' 1.5" 15 0.10%
6' 2" 22 0.15%
Total 14718
Bah, height, number and percentage in that order. Only 22 men out of 14,718 were 6-foot 2-inches or taller.