Wanted kings x john wayne collectors club figure pay top dollar (1 Viewer)

Re: Wanted kings x john wayne collectors club figure pay top dollar $150.00

I will pay $150.00 for the Collectors Club John Wayne figure. Thank you. Rick
This reply is to both responders. I have major sellers regert. I have had to sell my whole kc collection over those 2 months to cover an emergency debt. So now i am trying to replace the items that i had to sell. Probably willing to pay more.

To mitch i much appreciate your asking! Thank you!

To the second person you can think what you want. I could careless. So kma
Re: Wanted kings x john wayne collectors club figure pay top dollar $150.00

??? You just sold one on ebay for $205. Sellers regret ???


my apology terry - i got my 2 names mixed up. The thank you for asking was to you. The other part of the message was to mitch. Have a great day. Rick
Re: Wanted kings x john wayne collectors club figure pay top dollar $150.00

I don't think its sellers regret!!!LOL

Here is another response to you ol "I don't think so Mitch." I purchased my John Wayne figure via ebay from Matt at the hobby bunker for I believe $175.00 So the $30 that I made off the figure was really close to a break even or loss after free shipping by me and my ebay fees. I also sold most if not all of the KC items recently on ebay at a loss to move them for cash. So know it all Mitch - I wouldn't wish my recent hardships on anyone even you. Whoever you may be! Maybe I will have the pleasure of meeting you in person somewhere along the way. LOL Rick

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