Wanted! Some Sheriff's Men (1 Viewer)


Jan 26, 2008
These sets appear to be unavailable, gone from shops, or twice the price on eBay. I'm looking for a few Sheriff's Men for a William Tell set up. In particular, marching men, a couple of crossbowmen and the figure stuck with an arrow. If anyone would like to sell me a few figures or a set please let me know.

How many do you want of each pose? I'll see what I can do...



Thanks Jim, I'm looking for 2 wounded, 4 more marching and two crossbowmen. Or one of each if they are scarce.
Re: Wanted! Some Sheriff's Men_ Nevermind!!!

I picked up what I needed at the Woburn show.

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Starring Chuck Norris as William Tell.
The added scabbard is a nice touch and well done. Please post again if you paint these guys up.
According to his website he sold out of EVERYTHING during Christmas and is in the midst of re-stocking. He was supposed to be back up on April 1st but due to typical problems with production (China! for some of his plastics, I'd imagine) he has put that back to May 1st.
I like the Casualty pose...and Archers........Would like to get a box one day just for those!
According to his website he sold out of EVERYTHING during Christmas and is in the midst of re-stocking. He was supposed to be back up on April 1st but due to typical problems with production (China! for some of his plastics, I'd imagine) he has put that back to May 1st.

Just for some clarification:

Ron hasn't sold out of everything, but enough that it didn't make sense to take orders until many of the items have been restocked. He's not getting restocked on the plastic sets from China. (I believe he still has Rev War left). The problem is his supplier here in the states. He'll also be restocking (hopefully) some of the foam parts.

HOPEFULLY he'll be ready to take orders come May 1.


Jim, you definitely have better info than I; I was just going off what I gathered from his site. It will be good to have him up and at it again in any case. Do you know if Ron plans to go to Texas this year? It would be great to see him again. One of these days you are going to have to make it - if not for the show but to see the Alamo (if you haven't already and revisit if you have I know I never tire of the place) and enjoy the Riverwalk.
Jim, you definitely have better info than I; I was just going off what I gathered from his site. It will be good to have him up and at it again in any case. Do you know if Ron plans to go to Texas this year? It would be great to see him again. One of these days you are going to have to make it - if not for the show but to see the Alamo (if you haven't already and revisit if you have I know I never tire of the place) and enjoy the Riverwalk.

As far as I know, Ron is not planning on going to the Texas Show this year.. I would love to visit San Antonio - I've never been there. Maybe one of these days.. not this year, though!


Get em'before they become Salvation Army tax write-offs.....
All unpainted plastic(except for 1 Marx 60mm Robin Hood.)....
Marx 60mm -17 crossbowmen;1 ax swinger;R.Hood
Conte-15 medievals (w/one knarly dwarf)
Barzo-15 sherwood forresters & 61 men -at -arms
110 in all $160.00 free ship.

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