War of 1812 (1 Viewer)

Ken & Ericka Osen/H&A Studio

Command Sergeant Major
Jun 22, 2005
Hi All!
Well warm weather is here so we are busy with living history events again. It is one of the inside jokes of the hobby that as soon as the temperatures gets to 70 degrees (Fahrenheit) or higher we start putting on wool clothing!
Any of you that have done F&I, Rev War or ACW know what I am talking about.
Anyway I thought some of you might be interested in seeing one of our silk Colours. We represent a Volunteer Infantry organization from 1810 to 1815 using reproductions of original items from tis period. Our Colour is typical of many state flags having a Federal style device on one side and a Liberty figure on the other. One such flag survives from a NY state unit.


Note that some of the members are wearing the summer weight cotton round jacket and the rest the full blue regimental with red facings.
...A couple more images of our 'unit' at Ft Meigs this last weekend. This is about 50% strength. We are still working on our blue regimental coats for uniformity. When it is all said and done we will all have three different coats to portray different units as needed.

Some of our equipment under the tree...Ericka thought it made an interesting still life.

This is still my favorite time period.
All the Best!

Where can I get one of those "top hats?" Might do for the "Sandy Bay Sea Fencibles."
Hi Mike,
This is one of two colours carried, this one is our National and then we have a Regimental flag with a simple blue scroll on white. We really do enjoy the hobby. Almost all of our guys have done other periods such as ACW, Rev War, F&I, Span Am and WWI.

These are Common or Round Hatts of the period with proper round crowns and well sized. They come complete with an unbleached linen drawstring liner.
These are made to our specs (same as US Army 1804) by Matt Brenckle and are around $80.00 per hat. I highly recommend him for proper period head ware. I think he could make a nice Sailor or Fenceable hat for you.

Thank you Ken,

My hometown of Rockport, Ma, the next town over, actually had a raid by a British Frigate in 1814. From my experience during the Bicentennial back in the 70s, it's better to start out with the correct clothing and gear first.
Looks like you had a lot of fun Ken. Thanks for sharing the photos of your weekend with us.
:) Mike
Reenacting does look like alot of fun. Thanks for posting the pictures Ken.
Nice pics and cool uniforms, I must confess I'm more into Rev War tricornes etc but you all look very smart indeed! :)

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