Wargaming with 54mm - Contributions to Magazine Article Invited (2 Viewers)

Mike Blake

Private 2
Nov 12, 2008

This is an invite to send me your stories and anecdotes about wargaming with 54mm metal, plastic, resin, wood, paper figures, along with some photos, to appear in the next feature article in my 54mm Wargaming series in Toy Soldier Collector.

It can be about your figures, armies, games good and bad you have played, rules you use or have written, any and all aspects you like.

The idea is for this to be a collection of material from around the world which shows the wealth and diversity of our hobby, to try to open readers minds to it. So - a chance for you to tell your story and see your name and your armies featured in glorious colour in a high street magazine.

Space will be at a premium, so please keep it snappy - and I reserve the right to edit if necessary. If you have a website or a Blog which tells your story in greater detail, fine, we can provide the link.

I meant to send this out a while back but have been feeling poorly - so time is of the essence I am afraid and I need your contributions ASAP as the deadline is nearly upon us!


You should contact Ken Cliffe of All the Kings Men. He produces 54mm figures specifically for wargaming, and he bundles them in packages with dice, counters, rules, etc. He also plays in wargames in that scale himself. Any article about gaming with 54mm would be incomplete without a mention.

You should contact Ken Cliffe of All the Kings Men. He produces 54mm figures specifically for wargaming, and he bundles them in packages with dice, counters, rules, etc. He also plays in wargames in that scale himself. Any article about gaming with 54mm would be incomplete without a mention.


Thanks Brad, I have already done so, and have some material from him. I met him at Historicon a few years ago when he was just starting out. He's a nice guy and produces great figures - a real asset to the 54mm hobby.
Gosh, what a reticent bunch the 54mm Wargamers are proving to be! No one wants to tell their story - amazing. How are we going to keep the hobby going if we don't shout about it, chaps?
I've invented my own system and have been war gaming in 54mm since 1987.
Someone even made a documentary about it!
I'll see if I can find the link on Youtube?

The Plastic General
Thanks Plastic General. I have responded to your PM.

Do you have a website I can take a look at? We all tend to 'invent our own systems', which is why there is no internationally recognised 'governing body' or set of rules for the hobby! I am not sure if it is a sign of independent spirit or rampant egotism. :wink2:
Just have a look here


But why remake the world ?
For what I know, the rules are exactly the same as for any other size; usualy people use any rules converting dimension of board( squares) to the size
If square in 28mm scale is 1 inch then in 54mm it's 2 inches from there absolutely all 28mm rules applies, displacement so many squares, firing distances, movements, cones, axes, everything

If you play without squared board ( direct on table or floor ) just apply every distances by 2 ( 28mm rules to 54mm )
Ex canon xx pounder reach on table in 28mm is 1 foot well in 54mm it's 2 feet

Easy, is it not ! {sm4}

My point entirely! We use our own Tales of Derring -Do rules for skirmishes and existing commercial rules sets for larger games, specifically Black Powder and Hail Ceasar, where they they give us good games. We don't even change the measurements, just keep the footprint of units roughly the same by using fewer figures for 54mm units than there are in 28mm. Works fine.

Excellent website BTW Mirof!
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About 15+ years ago a few of my friends and I developed our own war game rules. We used articles from old "Tradition" magazines and tried to simplify as an alternative to playing chess.
Mostly using "Soldiers of the World (Regal)", "Trophy", "Quarter-Master" and "TedToy" in 54mm we fought Ancient Roman, Napoleonic, American Civil War and World War One battles.
For Ancient Rome we did Caesar's Gallic Campaigns incorporating about 500 figures........Napoleonic we fought Leipzig and Waterloo with over 1000 figures.......American Civil War battles with
about 600 figures and 1914 World War One approximately 500 figures.
I am hunting down our notes and some photos.

Many thanks for this. All interesting stuff, of course, but dare I say that what we need are less facts and more fun! :wink2: WHY 54mm? What's so great about it? Amusing stories from a game? Imagine trying to persuade someone to have a go - what should they? What have you and your pals got out of it over the past 15 years?

And you are in NY? You should meet up with Charley Elsden in Brooklyn!


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