well,why he attack Russia if he know that he have so many man in Spain?!???
Why risk loosing Spain(or any other province) to split his forces and go to an adventure to Russia?
And he must know that it will take a long journey to Russia,so in the mean time other unfinished battles in Europe such is English,Spain,Belgium,...will recovered.
I am sure attack on Russia was his biggest mistake,with many reasons(he divide his army,when reatret he face a low moral on his soldiers,he lost armory,moral,gain more enemy,....and for what?
He can live like a true Emperor of most of the Europe,he return like a begger.
I am sure he didnt expekt that Russian will burn the fields,houses,food,...so more he go into the Russia,more hungry his troops was.I think this was very smart strategy from Russians to empty Moscow.
Well thanks to Napoleon and after that Hitler we learn that Russia can not be defetead:
-they are a nation that will fight with everything they have to save their country(not like Italians or any other spoiled nations),they really will fight with their teeths if necesery,they will send millions of their own people into combat even if they will not have no weapons they will still fight
-they will kill their own people if necesery,burn their own villages,food,...just that enemy will not get them
-the winter is very hard there
-people are fanatics when to come to fight,they are teach in school that mother Russia is everything(comunist style,same in China,etc,...)
You can not win this,no body can.Thsi are big countrys,with big amount of people,armory,....they just do not care when they lost 10,20,30,....million of them,they will still comming to defend their country,so why make war with them.
Better attack Italians
they are poor fighters