WBritain contest (1 Viewer)


Private 1st Class
Jun 27, 2010
Was wondering how many of you chaps enter this contest and has anyone here been lucky to win???

Looks like a fun project. I entered for the first time.......Don't collect WWl figures but if I did this new Artillery piece would be a must......
I have never entered the WB contests Rick. When I get the Standard I usually say I must enter that and then I forget LOL
Hi uys,

I have entered a bunch of times and have won twice, the first time I won was right after I joined and I received a really cool figure of Oueen Elizabeth that was made for the London Dinner Event and there were 4 left over so they used them as prizes. I also won a set recently so I can say that its totally worth the price of a few stamps and postcards.

So if you know the answers go for it you might get lucky!

Since I happen to have this Standard out of a box of stuff from my office I will give you an example of the question:

Major General Jeffrey Amherst was born in Kent, England on January 29th 1717, but what was the name of the small town in which he was born?

If you answered this correctly and your answer was then pulled from the batch of correct answers you would win a set of the following figures, The British 45th Regiment set number 47007 or 47022 which are the Centre Company in Tricorn hats 1754-1763 or the Grenadier Company 1754-1763. You simply answer the question and send in postcards or emails to the club and keep your fingers crossed.

They have given away a lot of great sets and if this isnt enough to get you to join the club the club figures and limited edition club specials should be. From what I am seeing on the thread about the latest edition of the Standard I think there are some excellent figures due out next year. So my suggestion is to join if even just for a year to see if we are correct. I have been a member since 2000 or so and have enjoyed it very much.

I love reading about the other different series since I don't collect them...The Zulu series is interesting and the Sudan series is fun to read about........I enjoyed the Markll artillery article....if I was to collect a second series it would be WWl............

I thought WB had some old standards on their web site but I was just looking and can't find them now.......maybe it was another site?? Old age catching up with me can't remember where I saw them.........:eek:
I love reading about the other different series since I don't collect them...The Zulu series is interesting and the Sudan series is fun to read about........I enjoyed the Markll artillery article....if I was to collect a second series it would be WWl............

I thought WB had some old standards on their web site but I was just looking and can't find them now.......maybe it was another site?? Old age catching up with me can't remember where I saw them.........:eek:

There are on the collectors club site Rick.


For me I would pick up WWI and then perhaps Napoleonics if I had the extra cash.
A totally excellent figure for the price! Well worth it, especially with only 300 available worldwide!


well i do not believe that it is only 300 avaliable.
I know it is write 300 but i think they lie to us because if you look at last year gleandery ZULU they still have them for sale!!!

I do not believe that they didnt sale them yet if they have ONLY 300 in one year!!!
Aleš;341923 said:
well i do not believe that it is only 300 avaliable.
I know it is write 300 but i think they lie to us because if you look at last year gleandery ZULU they still have them for sale!!!

I do not believe that they didnt sale them yet if they have ONLY 300 in one year!!!

Hi Ales,

I dont have the figures on the 24th Foot figure in the Glengarry hat but I do know that the Zulu Figure we were discussing is for sale to the Club members only and they are only making 300. I have the 95th Rifles Officer they made a year or so back and it was also a limited edition of 300 made for the club members and when I received my Standard dipicting this set I called them that day and was very lucky to get it because they had nearly sold out. I will take a look a the site and see if it says a production number. If it dosent I will write to the club and ask. But saying they are liars is a bit harsh when you dont have all the facts.


PS I took a look at the site and they say they made 350 for world wide distro. Maybe there are a few remaining, who knows but I sent a message to the club and will let you know what they say.
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well i do not believe that it is only 300 avaliable.
I know it is write 300 but i think they lie to us because if you look at last year gleandery ZULU they still have them for sale!!!

I do not believe that they didnt sale them yet if they have ONLY 300 in one year!!!

Personally I do not care if they have made 30, 300 or 3000. I have my figure and that is all that matters.
Hi Guys:

We are updating our site right now with 2011 club figures so you might find it hard to access or stuff mising for a day or two. If by Friday you still are having trouble locating something let me know, I will of course be checking it as well.

As for limited run club pieces, we produce what we say we produce and if it takes 10 minutes or 10 years to sell we can't really control or predict that. In this case the 24th Foot guy took a little longer than I thought (and hey - if I got them all right 100% of the time I'd be playing the market and not making toy soldiers!!! - even though making toy soldiers is alot more fun!!!).

C'est la guerre.

Ok everyone, Ales especially, there are exactly 2 figures left in stock. I got this straight from the Club and from someone I trust totally! (and look the time it took for me to get an answer was a couple of minutes!) So if you want one you had better order it or you will be S.O.L. They only made 350 thats it.

Some sets sell fast and others sell slow so its a coin toss. But take it from me if there is a limited edition club figure made that you just have to have you better order it or you will regret it. These figures tend to sell fast and nearly never show up on ebay, I know because there are a couple of them I am looking for, so once they are gone thats it.


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