We Snooze we Loose? (2 Viewers)

Louis Badolato said:
Man, with all the great stuff out there from K&C and its new competitors, you would think we would have more to discuss on this forum than who we are mad at for not producing what we want fast enough. I for one would much rather discuss the quality and selection of what there is available to collect than grouse about what else I want. So to K&C, Honour Bound and all the other manufacturers, keep it coming, and we'll all comment in the way that you are most assuredly going to listen: with our wallets.


I love hearing the voice of reason. I agree with you wholeheartedly!

Warmest personal regards,

I have always been a little mystified why there is such sensitivity to criticism of KC. That seems to me to be the most useful information that a manufacturer and other collectors can receive. I like KC a lot and purchase a great deal of their product, but if someone else does a better job then I will buy it instead even if Andy is a great guy. I don't think it is necessary to say great job every time KC releases a new product in order to encourage Andy or not hurt his feelings. Frankly, some of the recent releases have been boring (more waffen ss, sepp again) and/or disappointing (Greif, Panther). No improvement has been made in the tracked vehicles despite criticism on this forum dating back some time. HB has made some real advancements in that area. Obviously, Andy can make whatever he wants and we can buy whatever we want. The purpose of the forum is really to express opinions pro and con and make suggestions. I think we all benefit if everyone feels free to do that in a respectful manner.
Combat said:
I have always been a little mystified why there is such sensitivity to criticism of KC. That seems to me to be the most useful information that a manufacturer and other collectors can receive. I like KC a lot and purchase a great deal of their product, but if someone else does a better job then I will buy it instead even if Andy is a great guy. I don't think it is necessary to say great job every time KC releases a new product in order to encourage Andy or not hurt his feelings. Frankly, some of the recent releases have been boring (more waffen ss, sepp again) and/or disappointing (Greif, Panther). No improvement has been made in the tracked vehicles despite criticism on this forum dating back some time. HB has made some real advancements in that area. Obviously, Andy can make whatever he wants and we can buy whatever we want. The purpose of the forum is really to express opinions pro and con and make suggestions. I think we all benefit if everyone feels free to do that in a respectful manner.

For me it is about the way we do it - politely put, even the most pointed criticism can still be positive and helpful. Nobody makes us buy the stuff so something is going well.

I get in trouble when I criticize, so I will just say that the money is leaving my wallet and going in the direction of Honour Bound when it comes to tanks.
"Get Real" Firebat
Combat said:
I have always been a little mystified why there is such sensitivity to criticism of KC. That seems to me to be the most useful information that a manufacturer and other collectors can receive. I like KC a lot and purchase a great deal of their product, but if someone else does a better job then I will buy it instead even if Andy is a great guy. I don't think it is necessary to say great job every time KC releases a new product in order to encourage Andy or not hurt his feelings. Frankly, some of the recent releases have been boring (more waffen ss, sepp again) and/or disappointing (Greif, Panther). No improvement has been made in the tracked vehicles despite criticism on this forum dating back some time. HB has made some real advancements in that area. Obviously, Andy can make whatever he wants and we can buy whatever we want. The purpose of the forum is really to express opinions pro and con and make suggestions. I think we all benefit if everyone feels free to do that in a respectful manner.

Who's telling you to buy? You don't want to buy, so don't. I don't think Andy's feelings or Ana's feelings or whosever feelings will be hurt if you buy or don't buy their product. If you don't like the product, don't buy it. I happen to like the Greif and I happen to think that the forthcoming German releases are really good as are some of the American ones just released. I think we make too much of the tracked stuff as if that's the litmus test of whether a tank is good enough. The people buying product are not just on this forum and they seem to be voting their approval with the best way they know how: their pocketbook.

There's no secret that you're an ardent defender of Honour Bound as I am of King and Country. Nothing wrong with that. Just do what you want to do: just buy this or buy that and hope that it gives you a lot of pleasure.
jazzeum said:
Who's telling you to buy? You don't want to buy, so don't. I don't think Andy's feelings or Ana's feelings or whosever feelings will be hurt if you buy or don't buy their product. If you don't like the product, don't buy it. I happen to like the Greif and I happen to think that the forthcoming German releases are really good as are some of the American ones just released. I think we make too much of the tracked stuff as if that's the litmus test of whether a tank is good enough. The people buying product are not just on this forum and they seem to be voting their approval with the best way they know how: their pocketbook.

There's no secret that you're an ardent defender of Honour Bound as I am of King and Country. Nothing wrong with that. Just do what you want to do: just buy this or buy that and hope that it gives you a lot of pleasure.

I think their feelings would be very hurt because they will not make any money. Whoever gets the "Most Real" will get my money. I will not blindly endorse any manufacturer, produce the goods and get paid, so far I am paying dearly to both of the mentioned Manufacturers. Alex
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jazzeum said:
Who's telling you to buy? You don't want to buy, so don't. I don't think Andy's feelings or Ana's feelings or whosever feelings will be hurt if you buy or don't buy their product. If you don't like the product, don't buy it. I happen to like the Greif and I happen to think that the forthcoming German releases are really good as are some of the American ones just released. I think we make too much of the tracked stuff as if that's the litmus test of whether a tank is good enough. The people buying product are not just on this forum and they seem to be voting their approval with the best way they know how: their pocketbook.

There's no secret that you're an ardent defender of Honour Bound as I am of King and Country. Nothing wrong with that. Just do what you want to do: just buy this or buy that and hope that it gives you a lot of pleasure.

I think we are largely in agreement if you read the two posts together. No desire to rehash the track discussion. This is just an example of how criticism can be useful to KC. I do not feel the need to be a defender of anyone. That was sort of my point. As I said, I like KC products and have purchased a lot. I could care less though if my money goes to Andy or Ana. Just want the best product - which at the moment is made by HB. Next month it could be someone else.

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