Website (1 Viewer)

Me too,can't get in website.

The web hosting company "GoDaddy" was hacked
multiple times since 3 years.
And the third security breach of 2023 means
that all their customers (as First Legion)
were at risk regardless services in use.
Effectively, since yesterday, we are asking
to pay fee for accessing to First Legion
Another moronic thing.. it's like the porno business, pay and you can access the web site .. hopefully First Legion will fix it.. Go Daddy can Go to ....
That’s not asking you to pay to access the website…

it suggests that the domain name is for sale and you can purchase it.

Very concerning.

Some communication is required from First Legion as to what the situation is.
Yeah, apologies about this. We were having issues with our email server and part of the solution required moving our domain management from one administrator to another. Part of that process required validating the changes by email. And i muffed it up because I moved the domain prior to making other detailed DNS changes which we could no longer validate because of the email issue once the domain had been moved. So i validated the domain move but then lost access to my email and could no longer validate the detailed changes the site needs. So it took around a day or 2 to resolve it. All is well again.

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