Welcome to the new server!! (1 Viewer)

Peter Reuss

2nd Lieutenant
Apr 22, 2005
Let us know if you find anything that's not working well on this new server (at forum.treefrogtreasures.com). We'll monitor this thread.

You weren't kidding about losing posts. Looks like everything since February 6 is gone {eek3}
Hi Pete

Yeah, like Brad says, there's a heap of posts missing (as well as entire threads!) so will they be re-installed? It would be a shame if they can't as people take the time to post only to find them gone. Thanks.

Hi Pete

Yeah, like Brad says, there's a heap of posts missing (as well as entire threads!) so will they be re-installed? It would be a shame if they can't as people take the time to post only to find them gone. Thanks.


I have also lost private messages which were critical to my up coming trip! Not good Pete, is there something you can do about this??

You weren't kidding about losing posts. Looks like everything since February 6 is gone {eek3}

Hi Pete

Yeah, like Brad says, there's a heap of posts missing (as well as entire threads!) so will they be re-installed? It would be a shame if they can't as people take the time to post only to find them gone. Thanks.


I have also lost private messages which were critical to my up coming trip! Not good Pete, is there something you can do about this??


Unfortunately, that is in the nature of things. When you move a database from one location to another, the process usually involves taking a snapshot of the database as of a given date and time, and anything saved to the old database after that often is lost. It's resource-intensive to monitor the old database and copy data over to a new one, as things are added. If data since the 6th are lost, I wouldn't be surprised. I recommend forbearance for the IT staff, especially since we were given heads-ups about the cutover and the possibility of losing data.

At this point I don't think we can get things back. Tom, if there's an emergency to get PMs for a trip perhaps we can figure out a way...
Hi Pete,

Although as the other members have pointed out threads and postings have been lost, I have been scouting around the Forum and it seems to work faster.
Also the picture gallery has become faster and pictures are clearer as well as we can e-mail or send them to a twitter account, that is nice and I do not recall seeing that in the old version.
One aspect that I do not know if it was a change you have implamented or I am using the tool wrong: When I try to upload pictures from my computer to the forum so as to add them to my album, in the past we could do several at once, now only one at a time, why is that? Did I do something wrong?
Serious lack of continuity, don't know what to do at this point, do you try to restore what you know is missing or just get on with it? In the end I appreciate this forum and will get over it.
Thanks for providing this forum Pete, I really take what you've done for granted and sometimes it takes a little adversity to really see how good we have it.
Ray :salute::
Unfortunately, that is in the nature of things. When you move a database from one location to another, the process usually involves taking a snapshot of the database as of a given date and time, and anything saved to the old database after that often is lost. It's resource-intensive to monitor the old database and copy data over to a new one, as things are added. If data since the 6th are lost, I wouldn't be surprised. I recommend forbearance for the IT staff, especially since we were given heads-ups about the cutover and the possibility of losing data.


At this point I don't think we can get things back. Tom, if there's an emergency to get PMs for a trip perhaps we can figure out a way...

Hi Pete and Brad

I understand that these things happen but I don't think people were warned properly enough that they would not only lose posts, but entire threads, PM’s both sent and received and everything for that matter! I for one didn't know about the server change over. I didn't see any bold or stand out writing warning people that everything would be lost after the 6th of January. If I did then I wouldn't have written PM's or posted in that time and I'm sure a lot of other regular users wouldn't have done so either. I know this forum is a privilege for us to use but we all contribute to making it great and when things like this happen, it's extremely annoying, especially when I feel we weren't warned properly enough. I see messages up in the forum area and most of the time it's about maintenance such as the forum not being available for a short period or trouble posting etc. If I saw something like, "VERY IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ" in bold lettering on a thread title, then I would have seen and read it and then either stayed away or not posted etc. Even better if such a warning was posted in threads throughout the forum as it is a major event. Just saying that some posts might be lost in my opinion is not good enough. I'm sorry to be venting my frustration on this but I feel this needs to be said. I'm only glad I didn't start a large thread on a new diorama during the week only to see it gone! I feel sorry for the blokes who did take the time in posting new dio threads only to see them no longer on here! :rolleyes2:


I hate to disagree with you but Pete did warn that posts would be lost. To me that was clear although, honestly, I didn't pay much attention to it.

I have experienced this with prior moves and upgrades and, while annoying, it's just a fact of life. On the internet everything is not always permanent.


I hate to disagree with you but Pete did warn that posts would be lost. To me that was clear although, honestly, I didn't pay much attention to it.

I have experienced this with prior moves and upgrades and, while annoying, it's just a fact of life. On the internet everything is not always permanent.


No worries Brad but I have to agree to disagree with you on this one. In my opinion the warning wasn't clearer enough and it wouldn't been hard to make the warning (or warnings) more clearer to people. Many people not just myself didn't know about it otherwise that wouldn't have posted there threads and/or posts as well as send PM's during the period affected.

Again, I understand that these things happen but it's not hard to notify everyone properly that they will lose everything if they post/write PM's etc during a certain period of time.

I'm not saying anything more on this matter.

I am not automatically redirected to the new forum page !!!!!
There are still a few small things to do...we're working on getting a redirect from the old forum to the new. I have two servers (and two developers) working on things, so it's taking a bit of time.

We didn't anticipate the delay in getting things moved...thus the number of lost posts. I'm sorry if things weren't as clear as they might have been. It was not our plan to lose so much.

Back-end computer things are NEVER as smooth as you hope! The good thing is that the forum is running smoothly. It was designed to run on a server like the one we are now on, so it will help with performance and security issues. It was cost effective to share a server between the Treefrog store and the forum, but we finally took the plunge to separate them. I think you'll appreciate the results.
Things like this never go as expected of course

Personally, I find pictures taking an age to load - long enough for me to click on 'what's new' or 'back' and look for something else less data heavy.

Sure this will even out over coming days
Older versions of Chrome running on Windows XP cannot access the New Forum address. The error code SPDY comes up with a Cannot Connect message. The latwest version of Chrome running on Android does not have a problem. Updating to the latest version of Chrome may solve the problem.

No problem connecting with Firefox.
Oooops! Spoke too soon. The last page of "my flats collection" (p. 79) has disappeared as well as the correct number of my posts.
Hi Pete and Brad

I understand that these things happen but I don't think people were warned properly enough that they would not only lose posts, but entire threads, PM’s both sent and received and everything for that matter! I for one didn't know about the server change over. I didn't see any bold or stand out writing warning people that everything would be lost after the 6th of January. If I did then I wouldn't have written PM's or posted in that time and I'm sure a lot of other regular users wouldn't have done so either. I know this forum is a privilege for us to use but we all contribute to making it great and when things like this happen, it's extremely annoying, especially when I feel we weren't warned properly enough. I see messages up in the forum area and most of the time it's about maintenance such as the forum not being available for a short period or trouble posting etc. If I saw something like, "VERY IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ" in bold lettering on a thread title, then I would have seen and read it and then either stayed away or not posted etc. Even better if such a warning was posted in threads throughout the forum as it is a major event. Just saying that some posts might be lost in my opinion is not good enough. I'm sorry to be venting my frustration on this but I feel this needs to be said. I'm only glad I didn't start a large thread on a new diorama during the week only to see it gone! I feel sorry for the blokes who did take the time in posting new dio threads only to see them no longer on here! :rolleyes2:


I recall seeing a notice about the move to the new server at least several days before the change over to the new server. It was very well highlighted.
I reposted a number of things that were lost in the transfer. I had no problem uploading photos. Upload speed was good. I uploaded the latest version of Chrome onto my Windows XP photoprocessing platform to noavil. I still get a Cannot Connect error message. No problem on the same XP platform using Firefox. All functions seem normal IMO.

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