Welcome Treefrog Dave! (1 Viewer)

Shannon Reuss

Forum Administrator
Staff member
Apr 22, 2005
We at Treefrog are happy to introduce our newest employee, known here on the forum as Treefrog Dave ('Dispatch Dave' was already taken ;)).
Dave joined us in April and will be handling customer service and a multitude of other duties at the Treefrog shop.
Dave is new to toy soldiers but has a background in garden scale railroading and an interest in military history primarily the Greek Bronze Age and the English Royal Navy circa 1800.
Dave served 8 years in the US Navy as an aircraft machinist and remains an avid sailor. (AD = aircraft mach. Server in VAQ135. on Forestall and Ranger carriers)
Dave comes to us with experience with other hobby forums and is currently handling the sale of a laundry list of retired goodies in the Collector Classified area that we had acquired for our now defunct online auction site. He has all King & Country on the block at present and will be adding more items and companies as things sell.

Please give Dave a warm welcome to the forum!
A very warm welcome Dave,hope you settle in very quick and post often here on the forum:).

All the best

Hi Dave,

Welcome to the Treefrog Forum! You are joining a class operation at Treefrog Treasures and I look forward to more conversations with you. Please visit often and post frequently!

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)
Welcome aboard, Dave! I look forward to tips that you might for us, especially from your railroad and machinist background.

Welcome to the Forum! Thanks for your service to our Country.
Treefrog Dave...welcome to Treefrog and the forum...glad to have a veteran on board...:)
Hi Dave,

Congratulations on joining the Treefrog team.

You can learn a lot about the hobby from the forum, as I have and still am.

Cheers, Raymond.:)

I would like to thank all the Toy Soldier Forum members for your good wishes.

Thanks !


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