Wermacht figures rather than Waffen SS (2 Viewers)


Apr 30, 2005
I just had a question that maybe Andy could answer next time he posts or another member who knows could answer.

I wondered if Andy ever considered doing regular Wermacht soldiers (other than the German Cav) or is planning on it in the future. It seems like it may be a good idea at least to do a couple test sets to try it out. I like the Waffen SS sets but, let's face it, the Waffen SS were not the core of the German military. Especially now that it seems that the Russian front is going to be revisted with new sets (which I'm thrilled about and is the reason I solely collect KC) it would be logical to throw some Wermacht in since the vast majority of the German army was in the East.

Just a thought and was curious.

I would also like to see some ordinary soldiers.Especially at normandy,the type of soldier you might find manning a pillbox/slit trench etc.
Andy has made some regular Wermacht such as WS 38, 39 and 40 and others plus some of the Berlin series are Volksgrenadiers as will be some in the Battle of the Bulge series.
I found the followings sets that are Wehrmacht: WS39, WS40, WS41, WS42, WS44, WS45, & WS46. Not as many as the SS, but some nice sets.
I believe that the sets you mentioned are actually Waffen SS, or if not intended, they are still in Waffen SS uniforms. A good way to tell is the shirt and helmet color. Compare them to the shirt and helmet color of the German Cavalry or if you have any Britains or other company's German soldiers. The Waffen SS have the greenish color rather than the standard grey like the pants which are the same. A good way to compare is also to look at the SS officer in WS50 and see that his colors are the same as the 1940 SS troop sets. They just didn't implement the camo smocks in 1940 that are so characteristic of the late war Waffen SS

Thats why I ask about maybe some regular Wermacht soldiers as they are a bit underrepresented.

I realize that Andy's specialty is the Waffen SS but perhaps even an elite Werhmacht division set would work as a start, perhaps Grossdeutschland (I believe that was Wermacht, not SS, but I could be wrong)

Just a thought


Some of those sets like WS 42, the anti tank gun set, are Grossdeutschland sets.
Was Grossdeutchland SS or regular army then? B/C the coloring on the uniforms I'm pretty sure is SS. Apologies if im completely missing the boat
Thanks for the link, I could have sworn that those were SS uniforms, guess not.

Still be nice for some more Wehrmacht.
Hi Guys,

I’m amazed that our friend “SNIPER 73” seems to be an expert on the German Army night down to “helmet and shirt colours” and the supposed differences between Wehrmacht and Waffen SS BUT does not know that “GROSS DEUTSCHLAND” is most definitely a Wehrmacht Division – and one of the most famous!

However, fear not K&C do plan on releasing more “Wehrmacht” – and we will, I promise.

But, and here’s the rub, those **** Waffen SS are just so, so popular.

Collectors love the mix ‘n’ match of their camouflage and equipment compared to the more regular Wehrmacht.

Again in K&C’s defense we’ve done a whole heap of Wehrmacht – what about the Cavalry? What about the Bridge Engineers and all those previous “Grossdeutschland” sets? As well as a couple of Hitler Jugend in action and , of course, the AFRIKA KORPS – not a Waffen SS man in sight!

One final point on helmet colours and shirt colours – because the German quartermasters supplies department was not as efficient as either the British or Americans you will see much more variety generally in German uniforms than Allied ones especially from 1942/1943 onwards.

I rest my case…Best wishes and happy collecting as usual.

Andy C. Neilson

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I think that the bridge engineers and the cavalry being the more recent releases - they weren't combat sets. People like the action guys more than the support guys.

Thank you for the response, I appreciate you taking the time to answer my question. I did not think of the Afrika Corps, I was thinking more along the lines of European troops, so I definetely sold you short on that one, my apologies.

Also, much thanks on the info about the reasons for the supply inconsistencies, that explains a lot in general for me. I by no means am an expert on the uniforms, although i thought that was something i did know.

That does make sense that the Waffen SS are more popular with the camo, the different patterns really are appealing.

Anyway, looking forward to more of the Wermacht, (I've only been collecting since March so I unfortunately missed out on the earlier releases)

The Wehrmacht sets are still easy to find. I would like to see some snipers and tankers in splinter pattern camo though. I think they would be a good seller.
Yeah, I am slowly getting some of the infantry sets, I would have loved to have been able to grab to PanzerII or the Armored Car or PanzerIV though, they are getting a little out of what I can pay for a single set


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