What do NAP fans think of the New Coldstream releases (2 Viewers)

I believe that King & Country has a great figure at a great price for Napoleonics. I have enjoyed their releases for years and look forward to many more. :D
Well Alan if you are passionate about the Napoleonic period I think you owe it to yourself to simply try a First Legion figure and compare them for yourself. That is what I did when I first started out and I now I am working toward my second hundred First Legion Napoleonics. Depending on your particular interest I would suggest a First Legion British Guard, French Guard Chasseur or Prussian line infantry figure. I really don't think you will be disappointed.

Thanks I think I'll give them a try.

Well Alan if you are passionate about the Napoleonic period I think you owe it to yourself to simply try a First Legion figure and compare them for yourself. That is what I did when I first started out and I now I am working toward my second hundred First Legion Napoleonics. Depending on your particular interest I would suggest a First Legion British Guard, French Guard Chasseur or Prussian line infantry figure. I really don't think you will be disappointed.

Nice Ad for First Legion on the King & Country thread :rolleyes:

It is a little rude to use one makers site to promote another - Are you paid for these promotions ? ;)
Nice Ad for First Legion on the King & Country thread :rolleyes:

It is a little rude to use one makers site to promote another - Are you paid for these promotions ? ;)
LOL, now that is worth a laugh on a dull Thursday.:D

Since you obviously want me to play along I will note next quote the gentleman's request:

... I have not seen any First Legion stuff [being a newby] how does it compare to K & C folks?


Unless I have lost the capacity to interpret simple questions, this was a request for opinions about FL and K&C Napoleonics from those who happened to have both on a K&C thread. Since I do and chose to respond to try and be helpful by giving my honest opinion I would say it was the only response I could give unless I should ignore his question or misrepresent my opinion, both of which would be of course indeed be rude.;)

Not what would be rude is to call someone's post rude without cause.:) But since I am sure you meant it in jest, I do appreciate the laugh.:D:D Since one good laugh also deserves another I should ask "by the way are you paid for yours?" Of course that question is meant in the same humorous vein that you obviously meant yours. Thanks again for the laugh mate, it certainly breaks up the boredom.:D
Crikey chaps. I didn't mean to start a fight. It really was an innocent question from a newcomer to the forum. I'm not about to abandon my liking for K&C you know!

Crikey chaps. I didn't mean to start a fight. It really was an innocent question from a newcomer to the forum. I'm not about to abandon my liking for K&C you know!


Now Al, you have been here 5 mins and are causing a Welsh rebellion already :D:D

Welcome to the forum:)

Do not worry about this 'handbags' stuff - happens all the time.:rolleyes:


Crikey chaps. I didn't mean to start a fight. It really was an innocent question from a newcomer to the forum. I'm not about to abandon my liking for K&C you know!

There is no fight or handbags Alan and you started nothing by asking a perfectly innocent question.;)
Now Al, you have been here 5 mins and are causing a Welsh rebellion already :D:D

Welcome to the forum:)

Do not worry about this 'handbags' stuff - happens all the time.:rolleyes:



Thanks fellas. I'll call off the rebellion and relax.

The first CG releases were very nice and were partly responsible for getting me interested in collecting K&C (the other being the MG series). These new CGs look good as well, though I agree with the earlier posts about preferring action poses. To be fair though there only so many such poses available, ie standing firing, kneeling firing etc. May be some fragility issues, but would prefer to see more bayonets in the NA series as well.
The first CG releases were very nice and were partly responsible for getting me interested in collecting K&C (the other being the MG series). These new CGs look good as well, though I agree with the earlier posts about preferring action poses.

To be fair though there only so many such poses available, ie standing firing, kneeling firing etc. May be some fragility issues, but would prefer to see more bayonets in the NA series as well.

K&C's CG releases, and indeed all its NAP releases are appreciated .. and my preorder for this second wave has been sent. I am still very much in K&C's corner and would like to see more cavalry soon.

.. and whilst, I agree that generally, there can be only so many poses available for pre-20th century warfare, I will ask for "different" guys in the same generic pose.

Take for instance ... a CG British firing line. Typically this will be 2 rank deep standing and firing. If I wanted to re-create a line with between 10 to 15 in the first rank, and a similar number in the second rank .. I figure I will very much prefer multiples of between 4 to 5 different generic standing & firing ... rather than just 20 to 30 guys of the same one standing & firing.

I have created firing lines, using K&C mixed with other manufacture.. and never with just K&C alone. To me, its just lost sales for K&C ...

K&C has started to re-badge its LCs and hurricanes to support multiple sales .. so perhaps they will listen too to the needs of their pre 20th century series collectors.

OD I agree - I want my British squares bristling with bayonets and different poses.

Which others do you mix, interested to see how they work (size, style) do you have any pics?


I am sorry ... but I presently do not have good pics to illustrate my earlier point.

However, towards the right of the 2 pics below, K&C is mixed with JJD's Redcoats .. in a line, ready to receive cavalry . I will take better pictures when the latest reinforcements arrive. That will include the new WBritains' Blackwatch to reinforce the guys on the left too.



These other pictures also has JJD's light infantry fighting alongside K&C's KGL.



Thanks OD

The pics look good and the JJD's appear to compliment KC well.

Look forward to seeing the Highlander Britain's and how they work from a scale perspective


Hi OD,

The photo`s of your cabinet, filled with Napoleonics looks just fantastic !!! . :D

I`m going to have a sort out ( stuffed full ).:D After seeing your great set up!.


Best Wishes Mark
Yes Mark

K&C's cavalry looks superb .. charging each other or against formed infantry :) but such displays do take up more space.

Still, I hope Andy will be giving us more cavalry soon ... and guns too :D :D

Looking forward to see your new display.

Yes Mark

K&C's cavalry looks superb .. charging each other or against formed infantry :) but such displays do take up more space.

Still, I hope Andy will be giving us more cavalry soon ... and guns too :D :D

Looking forward to see your new display.



I agree with your comment about the cavalry shortage. I`m hoping for the 16th light dragoon who covered the retreat of the Union brigade after charging Napoleons beautiful daughters at Waterloo.

Best wishes Mark

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