What do you do with your tin soldier armies? (1 Viewer)

The Colonel

Jul 10, 2019
Myself, I...

-do various displays with them, either marching or on parade or as the garrison of a large wooden fort that I own.
-fight tin soldier battles with them, leaving huge piles of "dead" at the end.
-very rarely fight tin soldier battles with other people and their armies
-and of course add a few tin soldiers every month to them. I added about thirty to them this month, and like to have platoons with thirty or more men, at least one NCO and two or three officers per platoon. Three of my platoons are now complete and two more are nearly complete, plus I have many tin soldier artillery pieces and their crews.
These days they stay in the display cabinet on there dioramas.

In the old days when my son was young we would set them up on the lounge room floor and have battles.{sm4}
I have a small house, a Cape Cod. I don't have much room to display them, but I display as many as I can. Some are in a barrister in my living room, using the space in front of books and things on those shelves; others are out on top of things like my phone stand, end tables, etc.

I use small display cases for sports memorabilia, small shadowboxes, etc. I have a nice, three-tier china cabinet in the workshop, undergoing refinishing, but it takes me a long time to finish a project like that. I have a spare room that I want to use as a display room, but it's awaiting remodeling, including installing windows, and so, it's just storage at this point.

Am extremely fortunate. When I retired my wife got her dream kitchen and I got my dream library aka "man cave". I believe quite a few of you may have already seen these images, but for those who haven't;https://arnhemjim.blogspot.com/2011/06/less-we-forget-past-glories-remembrance.html . Being a confirmed "magpie" collector, the soldiers are surrounded by appropriate militaria and a reference library; https://arnhemjim.blogspot.com/2015/06/a-gallimaufry-of-militaria.html
https://arnhemjim.blogspot.com/2011/06/small-collection-of-military-headdress.html .
Arizona Territory
Wow, Jim that is a fantastic collection. Thanks for posting the photos. Great Militaria too.

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